Master of Studies in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation
Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24
1. Candidates must follow a course of instruction in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation at Oxford for a period of three terms, unless the Humanities Divisional Board in exceptional circumstances shall permit an extension of time.
2. The course shall comprise:
(a) A core course of one lecture and one seminar each week during Michaelmas Term, weeks 1-6, and Hilary Term, weeks 1-6.
(b) An option taken during Michaelmas Term. This option may be taught and examined within the faculties of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Medieval and Modern Languages, or English Language and Literature.
(c) An option taken during Hilary Term. This option may be taught and examined within the faculties of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies, Medieval and Modern Languages, or English Language and Literature.
(d) Dissertation supervision in Hilary and Trinity Terms.
- 3.Assessment shall comprise:
(a) A 4,000 word essay relating to the core course.
(b) The option will be assessed in the mode specified in the regulations of the host faculty, relating to the option taken during Michaelmas term.
(c) The option will be assessed in the mode specified in the regulations of the host faculty, relating to the option taken during Hilary term.
(d) A dissertation of between 10,000 and 12,000 words.
4. There should not be substantial overlap between any of the pieces of writing offered for assessment.
5. Assessment (a) will be the essay relating to the core course. This must consist of an answer to a question on the take-home examination paper which will be released at noon on Thursday of the sixth week of Hilary Term; the answer must be submitted by noon on Thursday of the eighth week of Hilary Term.
6. Assessment (b) will be the written work relating to the option taken during Michaelmas term. This element must follow the regulations of the faculty providing the option.
7. Assessment (c) will be the written work relating to the option taken during Hilary term. This element must follow the regulations of the faculty providing the option.
8. Assessment (d) will be the dissertation, which must be submitted by noon on Monday of the eighth week of Trinity Term. Candidates must have gained approval of the topic of their dissertation by writing to the Chair of Examiners of the M.St. in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation, care of the Education Support Team, Humanities Division, by Friday of the sixth week of Hilary Term, providing an outline of the topic in not more than 200 words.
9. Assessments (b) and (c) must be formatted and submitted according to the specifications of the faculty that is providing the option being examined.
10. Assessments (a) and (d) must be formatted and submitted as specified in the handbook for the MSt in Comparative Literature and Critical Translation. The assessments must be submitted by uploading it to the University approved online assessment platform; no concomitant copy submission may be submitted, for any purpose. Electronic submissions must be received by the deadline; technical problems external to the online assessment platform will not be accepted as grounds for excusing lateness. Written work shall be submitted as word-processed files converted to PDF using the course coversheet as first page of the work, bearing on the front the candidate's examination number but neither their name nor the name of their college. Candidates must themselves retain a copy of each piece of work and must ensure that they receive the email confirming the submission and that the email is retained for future reference. Each submission of written work must be accompanied by a Declaration of Authorship from the candidate that it is their own work except where otherwise indicated, to be completed online at the same time as that of submission.