Master of Science by Coursework in Sociology
Differences from 2018/19 to 2023/24
The Course shall be under the supervision of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Department of Sociology, which is under the supervision of the Social Sciences Divisional Board.
Every candidate must follow, for at least three terms, a course of instruction in Sociology.
The examination will be in four parts:
A. A compulsory paper in Methods of Social Research, will be assessed by a written examination and three written coursework submissions.
B. A compulsory paper in Sociological Analysis, will be assessed by a written examination.
C. Two option papers.
TheseDetails of the option papers available including the method and timing of the assessement will befrom a listpublished annuallyby Friday of the third week of Michaelmas Full Termin theDepartmentCourseof SociologyHandbook. -
D. A thesis of not more than 10,000 words on a topic within the subject of the course to be specified jointly by supervisor and student. Candidates are warned that they should avoid repetition in their theses of material used in their option papers and that substantial repetition may be penalised.
Two typewritten copies of theThe thesis must bedelivereduploaded to theExaminationUniversitySchools,approvedHighonlineStreet,assessmentOxford,platform by noon of the weekday on or nearest to 1 September of the year in which the examination is to be taken.Successful candidates will be required to deposit a copy of their thesis in the Department of Sociology.
The examiners may examine any candidate viva voce.
The examiners may award a Distinction for excellence in the whole examination on the basis of the material submitted to them.