Master of Science by Coursework in Education
Differences from 2018/19 to 2023/24
1.Candidates must follow for three terms aThe course shall be under the supervision ofinstructiontheinAcademic Committee of the Department of Education,.- Candidates
specialisingwill specialise in one of the following pathways:- Comparative and International Education
, - Higher Education
, Learning - Digital and
Technology,Social Change - Child Development and Education
, or - Research Design and Methodology
- Comparative and International Education
- Candidates
Themust follow a course of instruction for three terms full-time or for the Research and DesignandMethodologycoursepathwaymayeitherbethreeundertakentermson a partfull-timebasis and must be followed foror six termsover two yearspart-time. 2.ForCandidateseach pathway candidates will take a combination of six one termrequired pathway-specific corepapersandas set out in the Schedule below. Details of the option papers.Candidatesavailable will beinformed of the available options, along with the assessment requirement,published by Friday ofnoughthweekweek0 of Michaelmas Termin the year in which the examination is taken.OnForsome pathways, students are also required to successfully complete a research internship. Partpart-time studentstake, four papers will be taken intheiryearfirst year1, and two papers intheiryearsecond year, alongside their dissertation2.- Each paper will be assessed by course work as set out in the Course Handbook.
- Exceptionally, candidates may offer one paper from a relevant Master's degree in another department in the University, in place of one option paper, subject to permission from the relevant pathway convenor
and, the Course Director and the owning department. Applications to take such a paper must normally be made byFridayThursday oftheweekfifth week5 of Michaelmas Term. 4.Papers are normally assessed by one or more coursework assignments totalling no more than 3,000 words (inclusive of footnotes but excluding bibliography and appendices). All such assignments must be uploaded to the Assignments section of the Higher Degrees WebLearn site by the times and dates specified at the start of the course. For part-time students, times and dates will be specified at the beginning of each year of the course. Each submission must be accompanied by a declaration indicating that it is the candidate’s own work. Exceptionally, candidates are assessed by unseen examination.5.−−20,000 words(including footnotes/endnotes but excluding appendices and references or bibliography), the title to be selected in consultation with the supervisor,on a topic relevant to the pathway being followed. Thesubject and title selected by the candidate must be approved by the Course Director at a time to be announced at the beginning of the academic year in which the dissertation is to be submitted.6.An electronic copy of thedissertation must beuploadedsubmittedtobythe Assignments section of the Department of Education’s Higher Degrees WebLearn site, notno later than noon on the secondFridayThursday in Augustin the year in which the written examination is taken. For part-time students, this will be during the second year of the course.- All
Thisassessmentscopy shouldmust beanonymoussubmittedexceptusing the University approved online submission system. Technical information on the requirements fortheonlinecandidate number, and accompanied by a declaration indicating that itsubmissions is provided in thecandidate’sCourseown workHandbook. - Candidates
aremay also be required tosubmitattendaanhardboundoralcopy of the work to the Department of Education no later than one week after submission of the electronic copyexamination. Thehardoralboundexaminationcopywillofnormally be on the candidate’s dissertationof each candidate who passes the examination shall be retained by the department for deposit in the departmental library. 7.ofmodules or thecore or option papersdissertation at the first attempt cannot normally be awarded more than 50 at resubmission.- Foundations of Educational Research I: Concepts and Design
- Foundations Learning and Wellbeing
8.Candidates may also be requiredIntroduction toattendQuantitativeanResearch- Cognitive
oralDevelopmentexamination.and Educational Attainment - Two option papers as set out in the Course Handbook
- Foundations of Educational Research I: Concepts and Design
- Comparative and International Education: An overview of the field
- Systems Thinking in Comparative and International Education
- Foundations of Educational Research II: Strategies and Methods
- The
oralImplementationexaminationofwillthenormallyRightsbeof Children - One option paper as set out in the Course Handbook
- Foundations of Educational Research I: Concepts and Design
- Key Concepts in Digital Education
- Social Justice and Technology
- EITHER Foundations of Education Research II: Strategies and Methods, OR Perspectives and Debates on Qualitative Research, OR Intermediate Quantitative Research
- EITHER Critical Digital Innovation OR Education, the
Child Development and Education
Comparative and International Education
Digital and Social Change
Higher Education
- Foundations of Educational Research I: Concepts and Design
- Higher Education: Systems, Structures and Institutions
- Higher Education in the Economy and Society
- Foundations of Education Research II: Strategies and Methods
- Global Higher Education
- One option paper as set out in the Course Handbook
Research Design and Methodology
- Introduction to Quantitative Research
- Foundations of Educational Research I: Concepts and Design
- Philosophy of Educational Research
- Foundations of Education Research II: Strategies and Methods
- EITHER Intermediate Quantitative Research, OR Perspective and Debates on Qualitative Research
- One option paper as set out in the Course Handbook