Master of Science by Coursework in Surgical Science and Practice

Differences from 2017/18 to 2023/24

(new regulations for students registering on any of the awards listed from 1 October 2012 and available to existing students)

  • 1. The Medical Sciences Board, jointly with the Continuing Education Board, shall elect for the supervision of the course a Standing Committee, which shall have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction.

  • 2. The course is available on a part time basis only and shall consist of instruction in the theory and practice of Surgical Science and Practice.

  • 3. The policy of the Continuing Education Board on variable intensity part time study shall apply to this award.

  • 4. The minimum period of registration on the M.Sc. shall be three terms and the maximum period of registration shall be twelve terms.

  • 5. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:

    • (a) FourSix written assignments, relatedone toon each of the modules in the Schedule Abelow, each of not more than 4,000 words in length.

      (b) Two assignments consisting of multiple choice questions or structured short questions, online project working and practical tests related to the modules in Schedule B.

    • (c) A dissertation of not more than 15,000 words (including tables, appendices and footnotes but excluding reference list), on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Standing Committee. Approval must be sought no later than the first day of the ninth term of registration. The dissertation must be submitted within three terms of the date of approval, notwithstanding the maximum permitted period of registration.

  • The assignments and dissertation set out in clauses 5(a) to (b)above shall be submitted via the University approved online submissionassessment system. The dissertation under 5 (c) shall be submitted in hard copy and digital copyplatform,  format to be prescribed in the course handbook, to the examiners c/o Registry, Department for Continuing Education, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford OX1 2JA, for consideration by such date as the examiners shall determine and shall notify candidates.

  • 6. Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination at the end of the course of studies at the discretion of the examiners.

  • 7. The examiners may award a distinction to candidates for the M.Sc.

  • 8. Candidates who fail to satisfy the examiners in any part of the examination under 5 (a)-(cb) above maywill be permitted to resubmit work in respect of the part or parts of the examination that they have failed, on not more than one occasion for each assignment without being required to repeat attendance at the relevant module or modules. The resubmission will normally be within one year of the original failure.

  • 98. Provided the Standing Committee is satisfied that a student on the award has undertaken equivalent study, of an appropriate standard, normally at another institution of higher education, or has appropriate work experience to an equivalent standard, the committee may permit the candidate to be exempted from the submission of a written assignment in respect of up to three modules. In exercising this discretion the Standing Committee shall take into consideration the length of time that has elapsed since the study or work experience was undertaken.

  • 109. The Standing Committee may deem satisfactory completion of a module (including the associated assessment) prior to registration for the award as having met the examination requirements in respect of that module. Such discretion will normally only be exercised if the time elapsed between commencement of the accredited module concerned and registration for the award is not more than two years. The maximum number of modules taken prior to registration for the award that may count in this way shall be three.


Schedule A

  • The practicePractice of evidenceEvidence-basedBased health care

  • Quality improvement science and systems analysis*

  • Introduction to surgical managementLeadership and leadership 

    Management in Health Care
  • Becoming a medicalClinical educatorEducator*

  • Human factors, teamwork and communication*
  • Healthcare Innovation and Technology
  • Any other module as defined by the Course Director and approved by the Standing Committee.

Schedule B

  • Human factors, teamwork and communication*

  • Surgical technology and robotics

* Also available to students registered for the PG Diploma in Health Research