Master of Science by Coursework in Social Data Science
Differences from 2021/22 to 2023/24
1. The course shall be under the supervision of the Graduate Studies Committee of the Oxford Internet Institute, which is under the supervision of the Social Sciences Divisional Board.
2. Candidates must follow for three terms a course of instruction in Social Data Science.
3. The examination will be in
nineseven parts, as follows:
Part 1: Compulsory core paper in ‘Foundations and Frontiers of Social Data Science’ assessed by the submission of written course work. Details of and arrangements for submission of the written course work shall be notified to candidates by Monday of week 1 of Michaelmas Term.
Part 2: Compulsory core paper in ‘Applied Analytical Statistics’ assessed by written coursework. Details of and arrangements for submission of the written coursework shall be notified to candidates by Monday week 1 of Michaelmas Term.
Part 3: Compulsory core paper in ‘ResearchIntroduction Design for Socialto Data Science and Machine Learning’ assessed by written coursework. Details of and arrangements for submission of the written course work shall be notified to candidates by Friday of week 4 of Hilary Term.
Part 4: Compulsory core paper in 'Fundamentals‘Research ofDesign for Social Data Science’ in Python’ assessed by a project and a written report. Details of and arrangements for submission of the written coursework shall be notified to candidates by Monday week 1 of Michaelmas Term.
Part 5: Compulsory core paper in ‘Data Analytics at Scale’ assessed by a project and written report. Details of and arrangements for submission of the written course work shall be notified to candidates by Monday of week 1 of Michaelmas Term.
Part 6: Compulsory core paper in ‘Machine Learning’ assessed by completed problem sets and written report. Details of and arrangements for submission of the written course work shall be notified to candidates by Monday of week 1 of Michaelmas Term.
Parts 75-86: Two option papers, to be chosen from a list to be published on the Oxford Internet Institute website annually by Monday of week 1 of Michaelmas Term or another paper agreed by the Director of Graduate Studies. Not all options may be available every year. The option papers will be assessed by arrangements which are specified in the reading lists for each paper, details of and arrangements for submission of which shall be notified to candidates by Monday of week 1 of Michaelmas Term.
Part 97: A thesis not to exceed 15,000 words on a topic within the subject of the course, to be specified jointly by supervisor and student, and approved by the CourseChair Director andof the Board of Examiners. The thesis must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by noon of the weekday on or nearest to the 1st of August of the year in which the examination is to be taken.
4. All written assignments must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform
5. The examiners may examine any candidate viva voce
. 6.Candidates who receive a failing mark for any of the summative assessments, may re-sit or resubmit the assessment on one further occasion, normally on the next occasion when examined and within one year of the original failure.-
Oxford 1+1 MBA programme
Candidates registered on the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme will follow an additional two or three-month bridging programme at the end of their third term of the combined programme.
Each candidate will be appointed an academic advisor from the Saїd Business School to plan an individual course of study which will include, as a minimum, the following three compulsory elements:
(i) Normally two meetings during the bridging programme with the senior advisor appointed by the Saїd Business School at the start of the Oxford 1+1 MBA programme.
(ii) A formatively assessed Integrative Development Plan of up to 3,000 words. Candidates would be required to critically reflect on their learning from the Masters programme and relate this both to their forthcoming MBA programme as well as to their career goals. The meetings with the advisor will frame the design, delivery and discussion of the plan.
(iii) Attendance of the MBA pre-course as described in the joining instructions for the MBA class, unless granted exemption by the MBA Committee on the grounds of prior formal study or work experience.