Master of Science by Coursework in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies
Differences from 2014/15 to 2023/24
1. The course shall be under the supervision of the Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Teaching Committee of the Department of International Development.
12. Candidates must follow a course of instruction in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies for at least three terms full-time and will be expected to attend such lectures and seminars as their supervisor/courseCoursedirectorDirector shall recommend.-
23.CandidatesEach candidate will, when they enter for their examination,be required toproduce a certificate from their society that they are following a course of study in the field which they have pursued in Oxford for at least three terms. 3.Candidates must present themselves for an oral examination if requested bysatisfy the examiners in four papers, a research design essay and a thesis.Papers I-II
The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination. EveryEach candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in twopapers and two essaycore papersas follows:Paper I: International Legal and
NormativeEthicalFrameworkFrameworksInternationalPaperlegalII: Political andnormativeAnthropologicalframeworkFrameworks5. Each core paper will be assessed by a written examination in
relationearly Trinity term.Papers III-IV: Two elective courses
6. Each candidate will be required to
refugeeschoose two elective courses, with at least one from the Refugee anddisplacedForcedpersons.MigrationInternationalStudies pool, anddomestictheapplicationsecondoffromindividualeither the Refugee andgroupForcedrightsMigrationtoStudiesdisplacedpool,personstheandMigrationrefugees.StudiesActivitiespool,andorinvolvementwith the approval of therelevantCourseinternational organsDirector,governments,anandelectiveintergovernmentalfromandanothernon-governmentaldegreeorganisationsprogrammerelevantoffered by the Department of International Development. Candidates will be expected toforcedfollowmigration.theConceptsmode ofmigrationassessmentandforinterventiontheandowningtheir justifications. Evolution of humanitarian responses to forced migration. Organisational culture of assistance.Paper II: Causes and Consequences of Forced MigrationTheoriesprogramme of thecauseselective. A list offorcedelectivesmigrationincluding the timings andhumanitarian crises. Historical dimensions, political and social dynamicsmethods offorced migration. Social, political and cultural constructions of place and space. Impact of forced migration on gender relations and age structures. Coercion and conflict. Implications of forced migrants for conceptualising the modern state and the international order. Security and stability of states. Environmental and development-induced displacement. Poverty and vulnerability. Impact of forced migrants on host populations and governments. Ethical issues raised by migration. Agency, coping mechanisms and survival strategies of affected populations. Nationalism, ethnicity and group identity. Consequences of resettlement programmes for livelihood and economic autonomy. Repatriation and local-level social reconstruction. Institutional responses to forced migrants.Multidisciplinary ThesisEach studentassessment will be published by the Course Director at the start of Michaelmas Term.Research Design Essay
7. Each candidate will be required to
writesubmit a 3,000 word Research Design Essay no later than 12 noon on Friday of Week 7 of Hilary Term.Multidisciplinary thesis
8. Each candidate will be required to submit a thesis of not less than 10,000 and not more than 15,000 words on a topic relevant to forced migration
.The purpose of this thesis is to ensure that the students have engaged in a multidisciplinary analysis of a single issue in forced migration to gain an awareness of the complex interrelations in the field.The topic of the thesis will require approvalapproved by thechairChair ofexaminersExaminers.9.
ThisThe thesis must bethesubmittedwork of the candidate alone and aid from others must be limited to prior discussion as to the subject and advice on presentation. The thesis (three copies) must be typewritten and delivered to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, notno later than 12 noon on Thursday of WeekEight8 of Trinity Term.An electronic copy must also be submitted to the MSc in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies Coordinator, again by the date and time specified above10.
TheAllthesisassessments must bepresentedsubmittedinusingproperthescholarlyUniversityform,approvedinonlinedouble-spacingassessmentandplatform. Technical information onone side only of quarto or A4 paper, each copy bound or held firmly in a stiff cover. The examiners shall retain a copy ofthethesis of each candidate who passes the examinationrequirements fordepositonline submissions is provided in theSocialCourseSciences LibraryHandbook.Research Methods Group EssayEach student must display an understanding of research methods relevant to forced migration11.This will be in the form of a group essay of approximately, but no more than 5,000 words, based on directed field research conducted during a four-week period in Hilary Term. The essay will present findings and engage with topics which include: epistemology of social science; social science paradigms; ethics and values; quantitative, qualitative, and participatory methods of data collection; the presentation of statistical information; research design; sampling theory; hypothesis testing; questionnaire design; participant observation; participatory learning and action; and evaluative research.The essay must be presented in a proper scholarly form and delivered to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, no later than Friday noon in Week Seven of Hilary Term.A candidate who fails the examination will be permitted to retake it on one further occasion only, not later than one year after the initial attempt. A candidate who has reached a satisfactory standard on any of the three components of the examination: (i) the thesis; (ii) the two written papers; (iii) the research methods group essay, will not be required to retake that part of the examination.Candidates mayalsobe required to attend an oral examination, which may beon oneorof more elements of the candidate’’swrittenassessedexaminations, thesis or group essaywork.Any candidate who fails a group assignment may be considered for a pass on the basis of an oral examination.