Master of Science by Coursework in Public Policy Research
Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24
1. The Course shall be under the supervision of the Blavatnik School MSc Teaching Committee.
2. Each candidate will be required to follow a course of instruction in Public Policy Research for three terms.
3. Candidates will complete the following two core courses:
(a) Theories and Approaches in Public Policy Research, assessed by a 5,000 word essay to be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 29 of HilaryMichaelmas term.
(b) Research in a Public Policy Context, assessed by a(i) 1,500an wordindividual 10 minute policy memopodcast and (ii) a three5 minute oral individual video policypresentation; briefingboth elements are to be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 9 of Hilary term.
4. Candidates will complete a course in Research Design and Methods comprising of the following three components:
(a) Qualitative Methods for Public Policy Research, assessed by a 3,000 word submission to be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 0 of Hilary term.
(b) Research Design, assessed by a 3,000 word research proposal to be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 9 of Hilary term.
(c) Statistics for Public Policy
(i) assessed by one submission (a practical exercise task) to be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 9 of Hilary term ;
(ii) assessed by one 3,000 word essay to be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 10 of Hilary term.
5. Candidates will choose one option paper offered for the Master of Public Policy in Trinity term from a list which will be published by the Blavatnik School MPP Committee before the first Monday that term. The option paper will be assessed by a 3,000 word essay or policy brief which must be submitted by no later than 12 noon on Friday of week 9 of Trinity term. Candidates who have previously completed the Master of Public Policy may not select any option previously completed to meet the requirements of that degree.
6. Candidates will complete a 10,000 word thesis which addresses a specific policy problem. A certificate of approval must be granted by the Blavatnik School of Government prior to the commencement of the thesis. Candidates must also submit a 1,500 word policyresearch memobrief which summarises the main findings and conclusions of the thesis in a style and a format suitable for policymakers. The thesis and policyresearch memobrief must be submitted by no later than 12 noon on 1 September, or the first working day thereafter where 1 September falls on a weekend.
7. All assessments must be submitted using the University approved online submission system. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the Course Handbook.
8. A candidate who fails any assessment may enter again for that assessment on one further occasion. The reassessment attempt for assessments under clauses, 3, 4 and 54 above will usually be within the same academic year as the first attempt. The deadline for resubmission of the assessment under clause 5 and thesis and policyresearch memobrief is 30 June (or the first working day thereafter where 30 June falls on a weekend) in the year following the first submission.