Master of Science by Coursework in Social Anthropology
Differences from 2016/17 to 2023/24
1.TheSocial Sciences Divisional Boardcourse shallelectbeforunder the supervision ofthe course a Standing Committee, namelythe Teaching Committee of the School of Anthropology, which shall have power to arrange lecturesandotherMuseuminstruction.Ethnography-
TheCandidatescourse director shallwill beresponsiblerequired tothat committee. 2.Candidates mustfollow a course of instruction in Socialand CulturalAnthropology forat leastthree terms.- Candidates will complete the following two core courses:
- Theories, Approaches and
willThemes in Social Anthropology (Paper 1) assessed by an essay of no more than 5,000 words,when entering for the examinations,to berequiredsubmitted by noon on Thursday of week 1 of Hilary term; - Comparing Cultures (Paper 4) assessed by two essays of no more than 2,500 words each, to
producebeasubmittedcertificatebyfromnoontheironsupervisorMondaytoofthisweekeffect6 of Trinity term.
- Theories, Approaches and
3.Candidates willbetakerequiredtwo option papers (Paper 2 and 3) from a list of those approved by the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography topresentbethemselvespublishedforbywrittentheand (if requested) oral examinations and to submit three copiesend ofaweekdissertation2inofprescribedMichaelmasform on an approved topic as defined belowterm.4.Thewrittenoptionexaminationpapers willconsistbe assessed by one or more submissions, full details offourwhichpapersareonsetthe syllabus describedout in theScheduleCourse Handbook.5.Each candidateCandidates willbe required to submitcomplete a dissertation of no more than 10,000 words,on a subject selected in consultation with the supervisorandapprovedanby the Chairabstract ofExaminersup to 250 words. Theproposed title of thedissertation, together with a paragraph describing its scopeandthe supervisor's written endorsement,abstract must be submittedto the Chair of ExaminersbyTuesday of the fifth week of Trinity Term.6.Three typewritten copies of the dissertation must be delivered not later thannoon on the last Wednesday in August.- All assessments must be submitted using the University approved online submission system. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the
yearCourseinHandbook.which -
theCandidatesexaminationmayisbetaken,requested tothe Chair of the Examiners, M.Sc. in Social Anthropology, c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford. The dissertation shall be provided withattend anabstract of up to 250 words, to be placed immediately after the title page. The word count shall be stated on the outside front cover of the thesis. 7.Theoral examination(if requested) may beonthe candidate's written papers, or dissertation, or both.8.The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.9.In order to pass the degree, a student must pass all its assessed components. Where one or more components are failed, the student will be given the opportunity to re-sit or re-submit them once, as the case may be. Any subsequent award of the degree on successful completion of all the assessed components may be delayed by up to three terms, i.e. until the Examination Board next meets.10.The four papers will be taken to constitute Part I of the degree and the dissertation to constitute Part II. At the close of the written examinations, the examiners will publish a list of those who have satisfied them in Part I.
Students must satisfy the examiners in four papers, two of a general nature and two options; one option paper must be selected from List A (below).
I.Culture and IdentityII.Kinship, Power and ChangeIII.Option Paper I: The Social Anthropology of a Selected Region
This option paper must be selected from List A (below).IV.Option Paper II: Open ChoiceThis option paper must be selected fromany of thelistsexaminationbelow:ListpapersAand/or dissertation.Anthropology of a Selected RegionList B. Topics in Material AnthropologyList C. Anthropology and Topical Issues
Options offered in any of the three lists may vary from year to year. Lists for the current academic year will be issued by the Director of Graduate Studies or his or her delegate by the end of the third week of Michaelmas term.