Master of Science by Coursework in Clinical Embryology
Differences from 2017/18 to 2021/22
1. The Divisional Board of Medical Sciences shall appoint for the supervision of the course an Organising Committee, which shall have the power to arrange lectures and other instruction.
2. The Organising Committee shall appoint for each candidate an academic adviser.
3. Each candidate shall follow a course of study in Clinical Embryology for at least three terms and for a substantial part of the three subsequent vacations, as determined by the course timetable, and will, when entering for the examination, be required to produce a certificate from their academic adviser to this effect.
4. Candidates shall be examined in all of the following ways:
(i) Each candidate must pass a
qualifyingMultiple Choice Question (MCQ) examination at the end of Michaelmas Term. The examination shall normally consist of a two-hour computer-based assessment on the topics covered in modules I––V, as set out in the Schedule. Candidates who fail thequalifyingexamination shall be permitted to take it on one further occasion in Week 0 of Hilary Term. Candidates must pass thisqualifyingexamination in order to proceed with the remainder of the course.In the event that a candidate fails the re-sit examination, the candidate shall be withdrawn from the course. The Organising Committee shall submit to the examiners a list of candidates who have satisfactorily completed the qualifying examination not later than the end of the Hilary Term preceding the examination. -
(ii) Each candidate must submit a typewritten
or printedessay of not more than 4,000 words -
(iii) Each candidate must pass a written examination in Week 0 of Trinity Term. The examination shall consist of a three-hour written paper on the topics covered in modules VI-X, as set out in the Schedule. Candidates who fail the examination shall be permitted to take it on one further occasion, no sooner than three weeks after the first occasion. Candidates must pass this examination in order to proceed with their research project.
(iv) Each candidate must submit a typewritten
or printeddissertation of not more than 10,000 words (excludingappendices, bibliography, tables, andappendicesfigure legends should not be included in the final word count; in-text reference citations are to be included in the final word count) on the research project as set out in the Schedule below. The research project and the subject of the dissertation must have been approved by the Organising Committee. The arrangements for approval will be notified to candidates not later than the start of Michaelmas Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken.
Candidates(v) Each Candidate shall be examined viva voce on their dissertation,or on any other element of the examination,and shallalsogiveposteraandshort oralpresentationspresentation on their research project. The presentation will be composed of 5 slides, take no more than 5 minutes and will be assessed as part of the viva. The viva voce examination will normally be conducted in September of the year in which the candidate is examined on dates to be determined by the examiners.
In the event that they are deemed not to have achieved the required standard in this element of the examination, candidates will have the opportunity to have another viva voce, date to be determined by the examiners.
5. Each written submission (consisting of three hard copies plus an electronic copy) must be sentuploaded to the ChairUniversity ofapproved Examiners,online M.Sc.assessment in Clinical Embryology, c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford platform on the following dates:
(a) The dissertation on the research project must be submitted by dates to be specified by the Organising Committee and published in the University Gazette not later than the start of Michaelmas Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken.
(b) The essay must be submitted by noon on Thursday of Week 9 of Hilary Term.
Each written submission must be accompanied (in a separate sealed envelope addressed to the Chair of Examiners) by a certificate indicatingstatement confirming that it is the candidate’’s own work and a USB stick containing an electronic copy of each written submission.
6. The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.
(A) Modules
I Essential Cellular and Molecular Biology
II Laboratory Methods and Practical Skills
III The Mammalian Reproductive System
IV Fertilisation and Early Embryogenesis
V Embryonic Development and Pregnancy
VI Infertility
VII Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART)
VIII Assisted Conception: Skills and Techniques
IX Micromanipulation in ART
X Infertility and ART: Developments and Current Issues
(B) Research project
- A research project under the supervision of a research supervisor. Students will undertake reading and research in relation to their research project during Trinity Term and the Long Vacation. The subject of each student
’’s dissertation and the supervision arrangements for each student must be approved by the Organising Committee.