Master of Science by Coursework in Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science
Differences from 2018/19 to 2023/24
1. The Divisional Board of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences shall elect for the supervision of the course a Standing Committee which shall have power to arrange lectures and other instruction.
2. Candidates shall follow for at least three terms a course of instruction in Mathematics and the Foundations of Computer Science.
3. The examination shall be in three parts, as follows:
(a) Candidates shall successfully complete a written assignment on each of five courses chosen from a list of courses approved by the Standing Committee and published in the course handbook. The list of courses shall be divided into two sections: Section A (Mathematical Foundations) and Section B (Applicable Theories). Each section shall be divided into schedule I (basic) and schedule II (advanced). Candidates shall be required to satisfy the examiners in at least two courses taken from Section B and in at least two courses taken from schedule II (these need not be distinct).
(b) Candidates shall submit a short dissertation on a topic selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Standing Committee. The dissertation must bear regard to course material from Sections A or B. Between thirty-five and sixty-five typed pages is the preferred length.
(c) There shall be an oral examination on the dissertation and its background material, and the candidate shall normally be expected to give a short presentation on the dissertation.
4. Candidates must submit to the chair of the Standing Committee by the end of the second week of Trinity Term in the year in which they enter the examination, the title and a brief statement of the form and scope of their dissertation, together with the name of a person who has agreed to act as their supervisor during the preparation of the dissertation.
TwoThe typewritten copies of the dissertation must bedeliveredsubmitted in accordance with guidance provided in the Course Handbook not later than noon on a date specified by the examiners which will normally be in early September, to the M.Sc. Examiners (Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science), c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford. The examiners may retain one copy of the dissertation of each candidate who passes the examination for deposit in an appropriate departmental library. -
6. Each candidate in consultation with their supervisor shall notify the director of the course of their intention to offer a written assignment for a lecture course not later than the deadlines as specified in the Course Handbook. Candidates must offer at least four courses from among those available in Michaelmas and Hilary Terms. No candidate may offer more than four courses in one term. Any exceptions must be approved by the Course Director. There will be a written assignment for each course. The topics in the assignment will be suggested by the relevant lecturer not later than the Friday of eighth week of the term during which the course is given. These topics will be sufficient to offer options appropriate to the course. The choice of topics will vary from year to year. Completed assignments must be
deliveredsubmitted not later than noon on the date specified by the examiners in the Course Handbook, to the M.Sc. Examiners (Mathematics and Foundations of Computer Science), c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, together with a signed statement that the work offered for assessment is the candidate's own. -
7. A candidate who does not submit a written assignment on a course for which he or she has entered, by noon on the deadline specified in the Course Handbook, shall be deemed to have failed the course in question.
8. If a candidate is deemed to have failed a particular course, he or she shall not be permitted to re-enter for examination in that course in the same year.
Any candidate who has not satisfied the examiners in four courses, at least one of which shall have been taken from schedule II and at least one from Schedule B, by the beginning of the Trinity Term shall be deemed to have failed the degree course. -
9. A candidate who fails the
courseexamination will be permitted to retake it on one further occasion only,.inThis resit attempt shall normally be taken at theacademicnextyearopportunity,followingbut may be deferred once, i.e. it must be taken at one of theintialnextattempttwo opportunities. In such a case the examiners will specify at the time of failure which of the assessed components of the course may or must be redone. No candidate who has satisfied the examiners in this examination may enter again for the same examination. -
10. The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.