Master of Science by Coursework in International Health and Tropical Medicine
Differences from 2016/17 to 2023/24
AAn examination in the form of a 2,000-2,500 word piece of written work, to be completed within 48 hours of receipt of the examinationpaperquestions, relating to Challenges and Change in International Health, and Global Health Research and Practice.(iii)
TwoprintedForessaysallofoptions: a 3,000-4,000wordswordeachsubmission (excluding bibliography, references, tables and figures). The topicfor eachof thetwo essayssubmission must be selected from a choice of titles approved by the Organising Committee and based on the optional modules studied as set out in the Schedule.(iv)
printedtype-written dissertation of not more than 10,000 words (excluding references, tables, figures, bibliography and appendices) on the research project as set out in the Schedule below. The research project and the subject of the dissertation must have been approved by the Organising Committee.
ThreecopiesCandidatesofwilleachsubmitoftheir two submissions online via therequiredauthorisedwrittenonlinesubmissionssubmissionmust be sent to the Chair of Examiners, M.Sc. in International Health and Tropical Medicine, c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxfordsite, by dates to be specified by the Organising Committee and published in the University Gazette not later than the start of Michaelmas Term of the academic year in which the examination is taken. Each submission must be accompanied by a declaration of the candidate’'s authorship.8. Candidates will submit the dissertation online via the authorised online submission site. The submission must be accompanied by a declaration of the candidate’s authorship.
89.any ofthe written examinationpaperspaper described in section 4 (i) or the examination described in section 4 (ii) will be permitted to re-sit the failed component(s) on one further occasion, during September of the Long Vacation of the same academic year as their original examination attempt. A candidate who fails any of the submitted assessments will be permitted to re-submit the failed component(s) on one further occasion, ideally within the same academic year before the final examination board or alternatively at the time these assessments are submitted during the following academic year.9.The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.10.The examiners will retain one copy of each dissertation of each successful candidate for deposit in the Radcliffe Science library. Schedule
Optional ModulesOptions-
Advanced Topics in Tropical Medicine
Vaccinology -
Vaccinology3.ChildAdolescent Health -
43. -
54.HealthDevelopment, Environment andDevelopment
Health -
5. Health Innovation and Entrepreneurship
CaseIntroductionStudiestoinMathematicalFieldModellingEpidemiologyfor Infectious Diseases