Master of Science by Coursework in Comparative Social Policy
Differences from 2014/15 to 2021/22
Every candidate must follow, for at least three terms, a course of instruction in Comparative Social Policy.
The examination will be in four parts.
TwoOne compulsorypaperspaper in Methods of Social Research. As specified for the M.Phil. in Comparative Social Policy. -
B. The
A compulsorycore paper in Comparative Social Policy/WelfareStatesand Social Policy Analysis..As specified for the M.Phil. in Comparative Social Policy. -
C. One
optionaloption paper. Thismaywill be from the list of optional papers as specified for the M.Phil. in Comparative Social Policy.TeachingIninexceptionalsomecircumstancesoptionsandmaywithnot be available every year. Candidates may, afterthe special permission of theSocialCoursePolicy and Intervention Graduate Studies CommitteeDirector,offerthe option paper may be from subjects outside this list. This may include papers offered in other relevant master's degrees in the University, subject to permission by the relevant Graduate Studies Committee as appropriate. -
D. A thesis of not more than 10,000 words on a topic within the subject of the course, to be specified jointly by supervisor and student. The thesis should employ comparative method in the study of a social policy topic
. Two typewritten copies of the thesis must be delivered to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, by noon of the weekday on or nearest to 15 August of the year in which the examination is to be taken. This word count applies to the text, but does not include graphs, tables and charts in the main text, or bibliography. An additional word limit of 2,000 words in total applies to the abstract, footnotes, endnotes and technical appendices (including graphs, tables and charts). Candidates are required to submit the thesis using the University approved online assessment platform by noon of the weekday on or nearest to 15 August of the year in which the examination is to be taken.Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the Course Handbook. Successful candidates may be required to deposit a copy of their thesis in the Social Science Library.
The examiners may examine any candidate viva voce.
The examiners may award a Distinction for excellence in the whole examination on the basis of the material submitted to them.