Master of Science by Coursework in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy

Differences from 2014/15 to 2024/25

  • 1. CandidatesThe willMSc shall only be expectedavailable to those who are enrolled on or who have satisfactorilysuccessfully completed either the Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or the Postgraduate Diploma in Advanced Cognitive Therapy Studies.

  • 2. The course will consist of research seminars and supervision, lectures, tutorials, seminars and classes on the principle and practice of cognitive behavioural therapy and clinical practice in cognitive behavioural therapy as appropriate.

  • 3. The course will be taken on a part-time basis. Where a dissertation is submitted under 4.b)(i), this will be over a period of six terms. Where an additional specialism is undertaken under 4.b)(ii), this be over a period of three terms. This does not include time taken to complete the requirements for the Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy. 

3. Candidates may be permitted in certain circumstances to suspend status for a maximum of six terms. Any such period shall not count towards the maximum or minimum period of registration and no fee liability will be incurred against such periods.

  • 4. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:

    • (a) attendancethe atassessment appropriaterequirements classroom-basedfor coursesthe includingPostgraduate smallDiploma groupin meetings.Cognitive Behavioural Therapy;

    • and
    • (b) Either (i) submission of a research projectdissertation of no more than 15,000 words on a topic selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor and approved by the Coursecourse Committeetutors;

    • TheOr (ii) researchan projectadditional shallspecialism betaken submittedfrom tothe The Registry, DepartmentSchedule for Continuing Education, 1 Wellington Square, Oxford, OX1 2JD by such dates as the examinersPostgraduate shallDiploma ResearchCognitive projectsBehavioural willTherapy beand forwardedassessed according to the examinersregulations for considerationthat specialism. Students aremay requirednot to submit bothoffer a hardspecialism copythat andhas analready electronicbeen copyexamined for the Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.

  • 5.The Candidatesdissertation maymust be expectedsubmitted to attend a viva voce examination at the endexaminers ofin digital format as prescribed in the course ofhandbook studies atusing the discretionUniversity ofapproved online assessment platform by the examinersdeadline given in the course handbook. Material already submitted for the Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy may not be included.

  • 6.Written The examiners may award a distinction to candidatesassignments for the MScadditional specialism shall be submitted via the approved online submission system by the dates published in the specialism handbook. 

  • Recordings of clinical and supervision sessions shall be submitted by such means and such dates as are provided in the specialism handbook. Presentations shall be delivered at such times and locations as are provided in the 7specialism handbook.

  • 5 . A candidate whose research projectdissertation fails to satisfy the examiners mayunder 4.b)(i) will be permitted to resubmit on one further occasion only not later than one year after the initial failure.

  • 8.  If anyA candidate who isfails successfulto meet the assessment requirements for an additional specialism under 4.b)(ii) will be permitted to retake the assessment on one occasion only in theaccordance examination forwith the Degreeregulations of Master of Science in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy has previously successfully completedfor the Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy orwithin one year of the initial failure.

  • 6. A candidate who fails to satisfy the examiners in the requirements for the MSc may supplicate for the Postgraduate Diploma in AdvancedCognitive Behavioural Therapy provided the requirements of that award have been met.

  • 7. Where a candidate who has been awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy studies,or a Postgraduate Certificate in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy or a Postgraduate Certificate in Enhanced Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is subsequently awarded the Master of Science in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, the MSc will subsume histhe orlower her diplomaaward(s).