Master of Science by Coursework in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition

Differences from 2014/15 to 2021/22

  • 1. Candidates may normally only be admitted to the course if they have successfully obtained an honours degree which containedin a substantialdiscipline elementrelated ofto second language learning and/orapplied linguistics.

  • 2. The course shall consist of eightsix taught modules (constituting Part 1 of the examination) and a dissertation (constituting Part 2 of the examination). Candidates shall be deemed to have passed the examination if they have satisfied the examiners in both Part 1 and Part 2. 

  • 3. Every candidate who is required to complete Part 1 will be required to complete all eight Modules of the course unless they can make a case for prior accreditation (by virtue of having successfully completed the Diploma in Education, Modern Foreign Languages), in which case they will be required to complete six Modules, and this will constitute Part 1 of the examination for these candidates. Candidates must pass Part 1 by examination or by prior accreditation before submitting a dissertation for Part 2. Interim marks for the first four Modules of Part 1 will be released to candidates following the first meeting of the Examination Board. At the close of the examination in Part 1, a list of candidates shall be published who have satisfied the examiners in that part of the examination.

  • 4. Every candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in the following:

    • (i) Satisfactory attendance at the appropriate classroom-based courses;

    • (ii) Satisfactory performance in both Part 1 and Part 2.

  • 5. An electronicA copy of each of the fourthree Michaelmas Term assignments must be uploadedsubmitted tousing the AssignmentsUniversity sectionapproved ofonline theassessment Higher Degrees Weblearn platform no later than noon on the Friday of Week 0 Hilary Term, and an electronica copy of each of the fourthree Hilary Term assignments must be uploadedsubmitted tousing the AssignmentsUniversity sectionapproved ofonline theassessment Higher Degrees Weblearn platform no later than noon on the Friday of Week 0 of Trinity Term. Part-time students must submit assignments for two modules on each of these occasions over a period of two years.

  • 64. Candidates will also be required to submit a dissertation of between 15,000 and 20,000 words (including footnotes/endnotes but excluding appendices and references or bibliography) on a subject selected by the candidate in consultation with the supervisor, which must be closely related to one or more of the themes of the course.  The subject and title selected by the candidate must be approved by Departmentalthe BoardCourse notDirector laterat thana time to be announced at the first daybeginning of the fifthacademic weekyear ofin Hilary Term ofwhich the courseexamination (foris full-time candidates) and of the second year of the course (for part-time candidates)taken.

  • 75.  ThreeA word processed or printed copiescopy of the dissertation  must be deliveredsubmitted tousing the ChairUniversity ofapproved theonline Examiners,assessment M.Sc. in Applied Linguistics and Second Language Acquisition, c/o Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, OX2 6PY not later thanplatform by noon on the lastsecond Friday of August of the year in which the final Module examination has been taken. OneThis copy should be hard bound and two soft bound, the latter of which should be anonymous except for the candidate number. The hard bound copy of the dissertation of each candidate who passes the examination shall be retained by the department for deposit in the departmental library. The dissertation must be accompanied by a declaration indicating that it is the candidates own work.  Candidates willare also be required to submit ana electronicfinal, non-anonymised copy of thetheir dissertation to Weblearnthe byOxford noonUniversity onResearch Archive (ORA) at the same daytime that they submit the anonymised version for examination. 

  • 6. If Parta 1candidate isreceives failed,a failing mark for any of the candidatesummative assessments, they may retakeresubmit the wholeassessment examination of Part 1on one further timeoccasion, oneither by a date for resubmission which will be published by the nextCourse occasionDirector when thisthe results are released, and will be no sooner than 6 weeks from the release of the results, or when the assessment is next examined the following year. If Parta 2candidate is failedfails the candidatedissertation, they may resubmit the dissertation one further time on the next occasion when itthis is examined. Candidates who fail any modules or the dissertation at the first attempt cannot normally be awarded more than 50 at resubmission.

  • 87. The candidate may also be examined orally. The oral examination maywill onlynormally be on the candidate's dissertation.

  • 9. The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.


Module A First Language Acquisition and Bilingualism

Module B Theories, Progression, and Methods

Module C Individual and Group Differences

Module D Input and Interaction

Module E Accessing Meaning

 Module F Producing and Communicating Meaning

Module G Vocabulary Acquisition

Module H  Error, Analysis, Interlanguage, and Testing

Optional Double Module: Teaching English as a Foreign Language Certificate.