Master of Philosophy in Politics (Comparative Government, Political Theory, European Politics and Society)
Differences from 2014/15 to 2022/23
(See also the general notice at the commencement of these regulations. The current edition of the Student Handbook contains an elaborated version of these regulations.)
The regulations made by the Politics Graduate Studies Committee are as follows:
Qualifying Test
Each candidate must pass athe Qualifying Test at the end of the third term from the beginning of the course. inThe theQualifying Test consists of two compulsory papers specified for their course, (unless givena candidate is granted exemption by the Politics Graduate Studies Committee.
In Comparative Government the two compulsory papers are Comparative Government and Research Methods in Political Science.
In European Politics and Society the two compulsory papers are European Governance and Research Methods in Political Science.
In Political Theory the two compulsory papers are Theory of Politics and Research Methods in Political Theory.
Candidates who fail the written examination part of the Qualifying Test will normally be allowed to retake it before the beginning of the next academic year.
Compulsory papers):
a1) A single written examination paper testing knowledge of the candidate’s core subject (ResearchTheoryMethodsof Politics or Comparative Government or European Governance).-
Theory of Politics
Compulsory paper for Political Theory students only. A critical examination of political concepts and theories, including social concepts and theories with political relevance.
Comparative Government
Compulsory paper for Comparative Government students only. The theory and practice of government in modern states.
European Governance
Compulsory paper for European Politics and Society students only. The theory and practice of government in European states, including the UK, and the theory and practice of integration in Europe.
i2) A research methods paper (Research Methods in Political Science(or Research Methods in Political Theory).-
Research Methods in Political Science
Compulsory paper for Comparative Government and European Politics and Society students only
apaperprogrammeforofPoliticalcoreTheory students only.Research Methods in Political Science and
optionalResearchresearchMethodsmethodsintraining,PoliticalasTheoryspecifiedare assessed in theStudentfollowingHandbook,way.andThewillcandidatealsomustproducesubmit:-
aA Research DesignEssayProposal of between4,0004000 and6,0006000 words, excluding the title page, contents, bibliography and any methodological appendices, on the subject of the student’’s proposedM.Phil.MPhil thesis.TwoOnehard copiescopy of the Research DesignEssay, together with a copy on CD,Proposal must be submittedto the Examination Schoolselectronically by noon on the Friday of sixth week of Trinity Term.ItThe work must be anonymous and accompanied by aseparatesigned declaration that it is the candidate’'s own work except where otherwise indicated and that it has not previously been submitted for assessment, either at Oxford or at another institution.The Director of Graduate Studies in Politics shall drawOnly theattentionfileofsubmitted via theexaminersUniversitytoapprovedtheonlinenamesassessmentofplatform constitutes a valid submission; no concomitant hard-copy may be submitted for anycandidates who have failed to complete their research methods training to a satisfactory level of quality, and the examiners may require candidates to retake the course or a specified part thereofpurpose. -
(ii) Research
MethodsmethodsintrainingPolitical Theory(Compulsory paper for Political Theory students only)coursework. Candidates will satisfactorily complete a programme of core and optional research methods training, as specified in the Student Handbook,.andFurtherwilldetailsalsoregardingproducetheseacoursesResearchareDesignprovidedEssay of between 4,000 and 6,000 words, excluding bibliography, onin thesubjectStudentof the student’s proposed M.Phil. thesis. Two copies of the Research Design Essay, together with a copy on CD, must be submitted to the Examination Schools by noon on the Friday of sixth week of Trinity Term. It must be accompanied by a separate signed declaration that it is the candidate’s own work except where otherwise indicated and that it has not previously been submitted for assessment, either at Oxford or at another institution. The Director of Graduate Studies in Politics shall draw the attention of the examiners to the names of any candidates who have failed to complete their research methods training to a satisfactory level of quality, and the examiners may require candidates to retake the course or a specified part thereofHandbook.
CandidatesForinaEuropeancandidatePoliticsfor the degree of M.Phil. to pass the Qualifying Test andSociety will be requiredproceed tohavetheasecondworking (i.e. good reading) knowledgeyear oftwostudy, the candidate must pass: the research methods paper (all elements ofthecourseworkfollowing languages ofand theEuropeanResearchUnion:Designviz. English,Proposal) andone of French, German, Italian, Polish, or Spanish. Unless exempted bythePoliticswrittenGraduate Studies Committee, candidates will be tested in the language or languages they propose to offer by the end of their third termexamination.Candidates who fail the
testwritten examination (paper (1) above) will normally beallowedable to retakethe testit before the beginning of the next academic year. (b)TheComparative Government(Compulsory papermark forComparativetheGovernment students only)The theory and practice of government in modern states.(c)Theory of Politics(Compulsory paper for Political Theory students only)A criticalwritten examinationof political concepts and theories, including social concepts and theories with political relevance.(d)European Governance(Compulsory paper for European Politics and Society students only)The constitutions and formal structure of governments in European states, including the UK, and the theory and practice of integration in Europe.The marks achieved by candidates in the two compulsory paperspart of the Qualifying Testwill(paperbe(1) above) is carried forwardtoandbe considered by the examinersincluded in thesecondfinalyearclassificationalongsideprocess for themarksdegreeachievedofin the Final ExaminationM.Phil.-
examinationExamination -
No candidate shall enter the
finalFinalexaminationExamination unlesshetheyor she hashave already passed the Qualifying Test. In thefinalFinalexaminationExamination every candidate must offer:-
(1) A thesis
1of not more than 30,000 words, excluding the title page, contents, bibliography and any methodological appendices.TwoThehard copies, together with a copy on CD,thesis must be submittedtoelectronically via theExaminationUniversitySchoolsapproved online assessment platform by noon on the Monday of first week of Trinity Term. On submitting the thesis, candidates will also be required to submit an online declaration of authorship. The examiners shall exclude from consideration any part of the thesismust be accompanied by a separate signed declaration that itwhich is not the candidate’’s own workexceptorwherewhichotherwisehasindicatedbeen or will be submitted to satisfy the requirements of another course, andthattheitexaminershasshallnothavepreviouslypowerbeento require the candidate to produce for their inspection the work so submittedfor assessment, either at Oxfordorattoanotherbeinstitutionsubmitted. After the examination process is complete, each successful candidate must deposit one hardbound copy of their thesis in the Bodleian Library. (2) Two
subjectpapers, taken from the approved list ofoptionaloption subjects in Politics, as published in the Student Handbook by the Politics Graduate Studies Committee on Monday of first week of Michaelmas Term each academic year (to apply to candidates being examined in the Trinity Term of that year). Candidates should note that the Politics subjects available in any particular year will depend on the availability of teaching resources. Not all subjects will be available in every year, and restrictions may be placed on the number of candidates permitted to offer certain subjects in any particular year. The method of assessment will be either timed written examination or extended essay and will be specified in the approved list of option subjects. The submission requirements for each option subject will be specified in the approved list of option subjects.
Candidates may, with the special permission of the Politics Graduate Studies Committee, offer subjects beyondoutside the approvedthis list of Politics subjects. Applications must be made by the last Friday of the Trinity Term preceding that in which the examination is to be taken, and must be supported by the student’candidate’s supervisor. Supervisors should ensure that applications are submitted as early as possible so that if approval is not given,granted the candidate has sufficient time to choose an alternative.
CandidatesWhen mustcandidates presentsit themselvesoption forpapers vivaoffered voceat examinationdepartments whenother requestedthan the Department of Politics and International Relations, they are bound by the examinersregulations of the M.Phil. in Politics.
Where option subjects are examined by extended essay, candidates will propose essay topics in consultation with their supervisor or relevant course provider. The proposed essay title, countersigned by the supervisor, must be submitted for approval of the Chair of Examiners mayby awardno alater distinctionthan noon on Friday of the eighth week of the term in which the instruction for excellencethat subject is completed. Candidates must upload their extended essay to the University approved online assessment platform no later than noon on Monday of the seventh week of Trinity term in the wholesecond examination on the basisyear of the workcourse. submittedEssays toshould them in bothbear the Qualifyingcandidate’s Testexamination andnumber thebut Finalnot Examinationtheir name.
With respect to extended essays and theses, only the file submitted via the University approved online assessment platform constitutes a valid submission, no concomitant hard-copy submission may be submitted for any purpose. Each submission must be accompanied by a declaration indicating that it is the candidate’s own work.