Master of Philosophy in Social Anthropology
Differences from 2014/15 to 2023/24
also the general notice at the commencement of these regulations.)
The Social Sciences Divisional Boardcourse shall electbe forunder the supervision of the course a Standing Committee, namely the Teaching Committee of the School of Anthropology, which shall have power to arrange lectures and otherMuseum instructionEthnography.
The examination shall consist of the following:
1.Qualifying ExaminationEvery candidateCandidates will be required tosatisfy the examiners in an examination for which, if he or she passes at the appropriate level, he or she will be allowed to proceed to the second year of the M.Phil. Candidates mustfollow a course of instruction in Social Anthropology forat least threesix terms, and will, when entering for the examinations, be required to produce a certificate from their supervisor to this effect.
Qualifying year in which the candidate's name is first entered on the Register of M.Phil. students or, with the approval of the divisional board, in a subsequent year.Examination
Each candidate will be required to satisfy the examiners in papers I1-IV4 on the syllabusas described in the Scheduleregulations for the M.Sc.MSc in Social Anthropology,.
To pass the qualifying examination and governedproceed by regulation 4 for that degree.
2. Final Examination
This shall be taken into the Trinitysecond Termyear of the academicMPhil, yearcandidates followingmust thatachieve inan whichaverage mark of 60 or above across the candidate'sfour nameexamination is first entered on the Register of Mpapers.Phil. Students or, with the approval of the Teaching Committee, in a subsequent year.
Final candidate shall be required:Examination
- (i) Candidates will take one option paper from a list of those approved by the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography to
presentbehimselfpublishedorbyherselfthefor written examination in oneend oftheweekoptional2areasoforMichaelmastopics available for that yearterm, other than that taken by the candidate in theM.Phil.MPhil Qualifying Examination. The option paper will be assessed by one or more submissions, full details of which are set out in thepreviousCourseyear; - (ii)
toCandidates will submitto the Chair of Examiners not later than noon on Tuesday of the fifth week of Trinity Terman essay of no more than 5,000 words(twotocopies)be submitted by noon on Thursday of week 5 of Trinity term, in the field ofgeneralSocial Anthropology, on a topic to be selected from a list set by the examiners at the beginning of the third week of Trinity Term; - (i) Candidates will take one option paper from a list of those approved by the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography to
- (iii)
toCandidates submit a thesis in accordance with the regulations below;
(iv) to present himself or herself for oral examination if required by the examiners.
3.Thesis1Each candidate shall be required towill submit a thesis of not more than 30,000 words(excluding references, andappendices) on a subject approved by the supervisor. He or she shall send to the Teaching Committee of the School of Anthropology, with the written approval of his or her supervisor, the proposed title of the thesis, together with a paragraph describing its scope, by noon on the Monday of second week of the Michaelmas Term in the academic year following that in which his or her name was entered on the Register of M.Phil. Students. The thesis (three copies) must be typewritten and delivered to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, not later than noon on Tuesday of the second week of the Trinity Term in the academic year in which the Final Examination is taken. The dissertation shall be provided withan abstract of up to 250 words,toon a subject approved by the supervisor, by noon on Thursday of week 2 of Trinity term.- (iv) Candidates may be
placedrequestedimmediatelytoafterattend an oral examination if required by thetitleexaminers.
The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.
If it is the opinion of the examiners that the work which has been required of a candidate is not of sufficient merit to qualify him or her for the Degree of M.Phil. the candidate shall be given the option of resitting the M.Phil. examination under the appropriate regulation.
4. Resits
In order to pass the degree, a student must pass all its assessed components. Where one or more components are failed, the student will be given the opportunity to re-sit or re-submit them once, as the case may be. Any subsequent award of the degree on successful completion of all the assessed components may be delayed by up to three terms, i.e. until the Examination Board next meets.