Master of Philosophy in International Relations
Differences from 2015/16 to 2023/24
(See1. alsoThe programme shall be under the general notice at the commencementsupervision of these regulations.)
The regulations made by the International Relations Graduate Studies Committee areof asthe followsDepartment of Politics and International Relations, which is under the supervision of the Social Sciences Divisional Board.
2. Candidates will be required to follow a full-time course of instruction for six terms.
3. The examinations shall consist of the following:
First-YearQualifying Examination
Every4. Candidates will complete the first year core course (The Development of the International System and Contemporary Debates in International Relations Theory) assessed by a written examination.
5. Candidates will complete Research Design and Methods in International Relations (Combined) assessed by coursework, full details of which will be set out in the Course Handbook and on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment.
6. To pass the qualifying examination and proceed to the second year each candidate must pass aboth first-yearcourses. examinationCandidates who fail either course will normally be able to retake it before the endbeginning of the thirdnext termacademic year.
Final Examination
7. Candidates will take two option papers from commencementa list of thethose course unless given exemptionapproved by the International Relations Graduate Studies Committee. The first-year examination shall be set and administered by the examiners appointed to examine for the M.Phil. in International Relations. This test shall consist of three parts, as follows:
1.A formally assessed Research Design Proposal of 4,000 words, excluding bibliography, on the subject of the student's proposed M.Phil. thesis. Two hard copies, together with a copy on CD, must be submitted to the Examination Schools by noon on the Monday of sixth week of Trinity Term. It must be accompanied by a separate signed declaration that it is the candidate's own work except where otherwise indicated and that it has not previously been submitted for assessment, either at Oxford or at another institution. The scope and the format are as stated in theStudent Handbook.2.A single, three-hour examination paper covering material from the core papers as taught in the first year, namely:The Development of the International System: The history of the relations between states in peace and war, and the development of the international system. It will include such topics as: major traditions of thought on International Relations; 19th century imperialism and euro-centrism; the concert system, the balance of power and the causes of the First World War; the peace settlement, collective security and the League of Nations; political and economic co-operation in the interwar period; the USA, Soviet Union, Middle East and Far East in the inter-war years; the impact of revolution, domestic politics and ideology on foreign policy; the causes of the Second World War; post-war reconstruction and the origins of the Cold War; the nuclear revolution and the impact of technological change; the evolution of the Cold war; decolonization, nationalism and self-determination; détente, arms control and regional conflicts; the end of the Cold War; the evolution of international economic institutions; the evolution of security institutions; and international relations in the post-Cold War world.Contemporary Debates in International Relations Theory: Ideas about, and explanations of, international relations, concentrating mainly (but not exclusively) on the major theoretical approaches in the academic study of international relations since 1945. The key theories and approaches to be examined include: realism and neo-realism; theories about war, security, and the use of force in international relations; classical liberalism, globalization, and transformation in world politics; theories about inter-state co-operation and transnationalism; the concept of international society; constructivism and the impact of law and norms in international relations; neo-Marxist and critical theory approaches to international relations; normative theory and international ethics.
Details of the scope and coverage are given in theStudent Handbook.3.The examiners must also be satisfied that candidates have satisfactorily completed their designated course of research training, and candidates must submit to the examiners all coursework completed as a part of their research methods training. The coursework requirements, including administrative arrangements and dates of submission, are set out in theStudent Handbook. Candidates should note that theStudent Handbookwill set dates for the submission (and, where necessary resubmission) of work for individual research modules.
4. Candidates who fail the written examination part of the first-year examination will normally be allowed to retake it before the beginning of the next academic year. Candidates who fail the Research Design Proposal or the coursework submitted for the research modules may resubmit their work , resubmission dates are set out in the Student Handbook.
Final Examination
No candidate shall enter the final examination unless he or she has already passed the first-year examination or has been granted exemption by the Graduate Studies Committee as stated above. In the final examination every candidate must offer:
1.A thesis of not more than 30,000 words, excluding bibliography, to be delivered to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford, by noon on Monday in the first week of the Trinity Full Term in which the examination is to be taken. Two hard copies of the thesis, together with a copy on CD, must be accompanied by a separate signed declaration that it is the candidate's own work except where otherwise indicated and that it has not previously been submitted for assessment, either at Oxford or at another institution. After the examination process is complete, each successful candidate must deposit one hardbound copy of their thesis in the Bodleian Library.2.Two subject papers taken from the approved list of optional subjects in International Relations, as published in theStudent Handbookby the International Relations Graduate Studies Committee on Monday of first week of Michaelmas Term each academic year to apply to candidates being examined in the Trinity Term of that year. Candidates should note that the International Relations subjects available in any particular year will depend on the availability of teaching resources. Not all subjects will be available in every year and restrictions may be placed on the number of candidates permitted to offer certain subjects in any particular year. Candidates may, withWith the special permission of the International Relations Graduate Studies Committee candidates may take an option paper from outside this list. Option papers will be assessed by written examination,offerresearchsubjectspaperbeyondor essay as set out in theapprovedCourselistHandbook and on the University’s Virtual Learning Environment.8. Candidates will submit a thesis of
InternationalnotRelationsmoresubjectsthan 30,000 words by noon on Monday of Week 1 of Trinity term.9.
ApplicationsOption paper essays or research papers and the thesis must bemadesubmittedbyusing thelastUniversityFridayapprovedofonline submission system. Technical information on theTrinityrequirementsTermforprecedingonlinethatsubmissions is provided inwhichthe Course Handbook and on theexamination is to be taken, and must be supported by the student’University’ssupervisorVirtual Learning Environment.Supervisors should ensure that applications are submitted as early as possible so that if approval is not given, the candidate has sufficient time to choose an alternative.310. Candidates must present themselves for viva voce examination when requested by the examiners. The examiners shall not normally fail any candidate without invitinghim or herthem to attend such an examination. However, in the case of a failing mark inThe examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination.