Master of Philosophy in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation (EBSIPE)
Differences from 2015/16 to 2023/24
(See also the general notice at the commencement of these regulations.)
1. Candidates must follow for at least six terms a course of instruction in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation.
2. Qualifying Test
Every candidate must pass a qualifying test at the end of Trinity
theFullthirdTermterm from the beginning of the coursein the two compulsory papers, either Evidence-Based Social InterventionResearchMethods and one Optional Paper from the list of optional papersspecified by the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. This will be from a listpublished annually by Friday of the sixth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. The examiners may examine candidates viva voce if required. Candidates who fail the qualifying test will be allowed to retake the test once before the beginning of the first week of the next academic year. The Social Policy and Intervention Graduate Studies Committee can decide that the retake shall consist of the whole test or parts thereof. -
3. Final Examination
Every candidate must offer:
(i). One further optional paper, also examined by an unseen written exam. This will be from a list published annually by Friday of the sixth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. Candidates are expected to take options offered through the EBSIPE course. Only in exceptional circumstances and with the special permission of the Course Director, the optional paper may be from subjects outside this list. -
(ii).AOne research thesis1of not more than 30,000 words,on a topic related to and attentive to theTwo type written copiessubject of the thesisshouldmust bedeliveredapprovedtoby theExaminationsupervisorSchoolson behalf of the Department and it should not exceed 30,000HighwordsStreet,inOxford,length. The thesis must be submitted using the University approved online assessment platform by noon of Friday of the sixth week of Trinity Full Term in which the examination is to be taken.One electronic copy of the thesis must be submitted along with the physical copy to the Examination Schools.Theelectronic copythesis must be anonymous, and submitted in Word format, and identical in content and length to the physical copy of the thesis. Successful candidates may be required to deposit a hard copy of their thesis in the SocialScienceSciences Library.
The examiners may examine any candidate viva voce.
The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination on the basis of the material submitted to them in both the qualifying test and the final examination.
Compulsory Papers
Evidence-Based Social Intervention andor Policy Evaluation. As specified for the M.Sc. in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation.
Research Evaluation Methods. As specified for the M.Sc. in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation.
Optional Papers
TheseThe list of options will be from a list published annually by Friday of the sixth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the Department of Social Policy and Intervention. NotIn everyexceptional option will be offered in any one year,circumstances and applicantswith forthe admissionspecial will be advisedpermission of this.the AreasCourse fromDirector, whichthe optionsoptional paper may be offeredfrom include:subjects promotingoutside of this list.
1 See the welfaregeneral regulations concerning the preparation and dispatch of children and families; multicultural mental health interventions; substance misuse and offending; interventions in relation to HIV and AIDS; community analysis and community-based intervention; refugees and asylum seekerstheses. Certain other options from the M.Sc. in Comparative Social Policy may also be available in any one year.