Master of Philosophy in Economics
Differences from 2015/16 to 2023/24
(See1. alsoThe course shall be under the generalsupervision notice atof the commencementGraduate Studies Committee of thesethe regulationsDepartment of Economics. )
The2. regulationsEach madecandidate bywill thebe Divisionalrequired Boardto follow a course of Socialinstruction Sciencesin areEconomics asfor follows:six terms.
First-year examinations
There3. All candidates will betake three compulsory papers: toMacroeconomics, beMicroeconomics takenand Econometrics, each examined by an unseen written examination at the endbeginning of Trinity term. Candidates will normally take the “Core” versions of the firstpapers, yearbut may take one or more of the course“Advanced” versions with the permission of the Graduate Studies Committee.
Details of the content of the three compulsory papers (“Core” and “Advanced”) will be published on the Department’s of Economics WebLearnVLE site at the beginning of Michaelmas Term each year.
In exceptional circumstances, the Economics Graduate Studies Committee may give permission for a candidate to defer one of these papers5. ThisAll papercandidates willmust thentake beeither takenCore atEmpirical theResearch sameMethods timeor asFurther theMathematical finalMethods examination.
Candidatesin whotheir pass these papers will proceed to the secondfirst year ofexamined by submitted coursework. With the course and take the Final Examination at the end of the second year. Candidates who fail only one out of the three papers may, by permission of the Economics Graduate Studies Committee, proceedcandidates may take both papers in their first year.
6. To progress to the second year candidates must achieve an average mark of at least 50 in the compulsory subjects {Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics} at either Core or Advanced level; or pass two of the coursecompulsory andsubjects resit{Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Econometrics} at either Core or Advanced level. Candidates that progress to the second year, but fail one or more first year papers, may re-sit the failed paper(s) atwhen thenext same time as the final examinationoffered. Otherwise, candidatesCandidates who fail theto first-year examination will be permittedprogress to resit all three papers at the end of their second year butmust will not be permitted to enterre-sit the finalfailed examinationpapers atwhen thatnext timeoffered. IfCandidates theywho thenfail passan “Advanced” compulsory paper may re-sit the three“Core” compulsory papers, they will be permitted to proceed with the course and enter the final examination at the end of their third yearversion. In exceptional cases, the EconomicsThe Graduate Studies Committee may permitreserves the deferral of resitting one of the three papers at the end of the second year until the final examination. No candidate will be permittedright to resitexercise anydiscretion ofin theexceptional compulsory papers more than oncecases.
Final Examination
No7. candidate shall enter the final examination unless he or she has already passed the three compulsory papers in the first-year examinations, save that the Economics Graduate Studies Committee may permit any candidate who has failed one of the compulsory papers to resit that paper at the same time as the final examination.
All candidates must offer five second yearfour papers (except where they have taken both Core Empirical Research Methods and submitFurther Mathematical Methods in the first year, in which case they must offer three papers), and a thesis.8
Candidates These papers must takebe atchosen leastfrom one{Field starredpapers, (*)Advanced paperEmpirical (advancedResearch coreMethods, subject)Advanced Macroeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics and atAdvanced leastEconometrics} oneexcluding non-starredany paperpapers (fieldalready subject)taken in the first year.
Candidates mustA delivermaximum of two copies of the thesispapers (clearlycan markedbe withchosen from the candidate'sset name{Advanced Empirical Research Methods, collegeAdvanced Macroeconomics, Advanced Microeconomics and Advanced Econometrics}. Students wishing to offer any of these four Advanced papers need the wordspermission ‘M.Philof the Graduate Studies Committee. in Economics’ and accompanied byAchieving a statement signed by the candidate that it is the candidate's own work except where otherwise indicated) to the Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford OX1 4BG, by noon on WednesdayDistinction in the thirdcorresponding weekCore of Trinity Full Term in which the final examination is to be taken. Successful candidates will have one copy of their thesis depositedpaper in the Economicsfirst Libraryyear, byor a Pass in the Departmentcorresponding at the end of the examination.
Second year papers for the M.Phil. in Economics
Second year papers may be offered from the following list:
1.Advanced Macroeconomics 1*2.Advanced Macroeconomics 2*3.Advanced Microeconomics 1*4.Advanced Microeconomics 2*5.Advanced Econometrics 1*6.Advanced Econometrics 2*7.Advanced Econometrics 3*8.Behavioural Economics9.Development Economics 110.Development Economics 211.Economic History 112.Economic History 213.Financial Economics 114.Financial Economics 215.Industrial Organisation 116.Industrial Organisation 217.International Trade 118.International Trade 219.Labour Economics20.Public Economics21.Theory BasedCore EmpiricalAnalysis22.ResearchUrbanMethods,andwillSpatial Economics
Not all papers ongrant this listpermission will be available every yearautomatically. The definitive list of second yearField papers together with information on content, structure and structureassessment method will be published on the Department’s of Economics WebLearn siteVLE at the beginning of Michaelmas Term of the year in which the examexamination is to be taken.
8. All candidates must offer a thesis of no more than 20,000 words which must be submitted using the University approved online submission system by noon on Wednesday of week 3 of Trinity Term in which the final examination is taken. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the Course Handbook. Candidates must submit their thesis title and outline to the MPhil Director by Friday of week 0 of Hilary Term in which the final examination is taken.
9. Candidates who fail the final examination will be permitted to retake the failed second-year examination paper(s) or resubmit the failed thesis on one further occasion, which will normally be within one year of the initial failure.
10. Candidates are reminded that work submitted for the MPhil in Economics may subsequently be incorporated into a thesis submitted for the DPhil in Economics.
11. The examiners will not provide calculators, but will permit the use of a hand-held pocket calculator in the examination room, both for the first year examinations and for the final examination, subject to the conditions set out under the heading ‘‘Use of calculators in examinations’’ in the Regulations for the Conduct of University Examinations.
A list of permitted calculators will be reviewed annually in the week prior to the first full week0 of Michaelmas Term and published byon the Department’s VLE.
12. Successful candidates will be required to submit an electronic copy of Economicstheir onfinalised itsthesis weblearnto sitethe Oxford Research Archive.