Law Moderations
Differences from 2017/18 to 2023/24
1. The subjects of Law Moderations shall be:
(1) A Roman Introduction to Private Law.
(2) Criminal Law.
(3) Constitutional Law.
whomusthastakepassedthe relevant examination in all three subjectsshallatbethedeemedend of Hilary Term of their first year and must pass in all three subjects tohave satisfied the Moderators, provided that -
(a)he or she shall have passed in not less than two subjects at one and the same time, and(b)he or she shall not be permitted to count anypassobtainedLaw Moderations. Candidates who fail in any subjectbeforemusthe or she satisfiedre-sit theprovision in (a).
3.Any candidate may offer himself or herself forexamination inone, two, or three subjects. Except as provided in clause 2 hereof, a candidate who has passed a subject in one examination may not offer himself or herself forthat subjectagain in a later examination. No candidate may re-enterat theexaminationendonofmoreTrinitythanTermone occasion afterof their firstattempt, other than in exceptional circumstances and with the permission of the University Education Committeeyear.-
43. The Moderators may award a Distinctiontounderanycriteriacandidate of special merit who passesdefined inthreethesubjectsExaminationat any one examinationConventions.
Every candidate who wishes to pass Law Moderations must offer Criminal Law and Constitutional Law and A Roman Introduction to Private Law.
The individual specifications for Law Moderations subjects will be published in the Law Faculty Student Handbook for the academic year ahead by Monday of noughth week of Michaelmas Term each year.
Statutes and other source material
Details of the statutes and other sources of material which will be available to candidates in the examination room will be notified to candidates in Michaelmas Term, and any subsequent changes notified in the moderators’ edict.