Honour School of Theology and Oriental Studies
Differences from 2013/14 to 2022/23
(This course has been renamed FHS Religion and Oriental Studies for students starting from MT 2019. These regulations apply to students starting the FHS Theology and Oriental Studies before MT 2019.)
1. The subjects of the Honour School of Theology and Oriental Studies shall be 1 Theology and 2 Oriental Studies. All candidates must offer both 1 and 2.
2. The Honour School of Theology and Oriental Studies shall be under the joint supervision of the Boards of the Faculties of Theology and Religion, and of Oriental Studies, which shall appoint a standing joint committee to make, and to submit to the two boards, proposals for regulations concerning the examination.
3. No candidate shall be admitted to the examination in this School unless he or she has either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.
4. The Public Examiners in this School shall be such of the Public Examiners in the Honour Schools of Theology and of Oriental Studies as may be required, together with any additional examiners who may be required who shall be nominated by the committee for the nomination of Public Examiners in one or both of those Honour Schools as appropriate.
Candidates Inare therequired Honourto School candidates will takeoffer eight papers,. ofThree which at least three and not more than fivepapers must be taken in Theology, and at least three and not more than five must be taken in Oriental Studies.; Onethe paperother willtwo may be examined in the form of a dissertation. Completion of an application form will be required for the approval of the subject of the dissertation, indicating the paper for which it is substituting. In all cases the regulations that apply to the dissertation will be the Theology and Religion regulations, except for the date for submission of the title for approval, which will be sixth week in Hilary Term of Year 2. The request for approval should be addressed to the relevant Faculty Board Secretary using the application form available from the relevant Faculty Office. The application should include, in about 100 words, an explanation as to how the topic will be treated, and a brief bibliography.
Candidates should in general aim at a length of 10,000 words, but must not exceed 15,000 words (both figures inclusive of notes and appendices, but excluding bibliography). The candidate is advised to have an initial discussion with his or her supervisor regarding the proposed field of study, the sources available, and the method of presentation. He or she should have further discussions with his or her supervisor during the preparation of the dissertation. His or her supervisor may read and comment on drafts of the dissertation.
Every candidate shall sign a letter declaring the dissertation to be his or her own work and that it has not already been submitted (wholly or substantially) for a final honour school other than one involvingeither Theology or Oriental Studies, or another degree of this University, or a degree of any other institution. ThisAll letter, which can be found in the Course Handbook or collected from the relevant Faculty Office, shall be presented together with the dissertation. No dissertation shall, however, be ineligible because it has been or is being submitted for any prize of this University.
The candidate must submit two typed copies of the dissertation (bound or held firmly in a stiff cover), addressed to the Chair of the Examiners, Honour School of Theology and Oriental Studies, Examination Schools, High Street, Oxford not later than noon on the Friday of the eighth week of Hilary Term in the academic year in which he or she is presenting himself or herself for examination. The letter of declaration signed by the candidate must be submitted separately in a sealed envelope addressed to the Chair of the Examiners at the above address at the same time as the copies are submitted.
2. Candidates who offer some papers in Oriental Studies will be precluded from taking papers in Theology that have a similar content. A list of combinations of papers that are not permitted will be published in the course handbook two years before the examination.
1. Theology
Candidatescandidates will be required to offersubmit either: God and Israel in the Old Testament (as for the Honour Schoolone of Theologytheir Paper 1)
or The Gospels and Jesus (with special reference to the gospels of Matthew and John) (as for the Honour School of Theology Paper 2)
and either: The Development of Doctrine in the Early Church to AD 451 (as for the Honour School of Theology Paper 4)
or God, Christ and Salvation (as for the Honour School of Theology Paper 5) and may take up to three othereight papers choseneither froma thethesis (in Theology) FHSor a dissertation (in Oriental Studies).
2.(a) Oriental Studies Theology
The Oriental Studies papers may be chosen from any one of the following sections: 1 Buddhism, 2 Eastern Christianity, 3 Hinduism, 4 Islam, and 5 Judaism.
Choice and availability of options. It cannot be guaranteed that teaching will be available on all papers in every academic year. Similarly, the choice of subject for the dissertation will necessarily depend upon availability of a suitable supervisor. Candidates should therefore consult with their tutors about the availability of teaching when selecting their optional and dissertation subjects.
Approval of choice of options. Applications for the approval of all options and papers must be submitted to the Undergraduate Studies Committee of the Faculty Board of Oriental Studies by Monday of the sixth week of Hilary Term in the academic year preceding that in which the examination is taken.
1.Candidates Buddhismmust offer two papers from:
1.PaperPali,(2101)Sanskrit,TheorNarrative World of the Hebrew BibleTibetan languageeither(a)A Buddhist canonical language: Palior(b)A Buddhist canonical language: Tibetanor(c)A Buddhist canonical language: Sanskrit; -
2.PaperPali(2102)texts,TheSanskritPoetictexts,Worldorof the Hebrew Biblesecond Tibetan language papereither(a)Set texts in a Buddhist canonical language: Palior(b)Set texts in a Buddhist canonical language: Tibetanor(c)Set texts in a Buddhist canonical language: Sanskrit; -
3.Foundations of BuddhismPaper (Buddhism I2103)(asThefor the Honour School of Theology Paper 18)Gospels; -
Paper (2201) History of Doctrine;
Paper (2202) Ethics I: Christian Moral Reasoning;
Paper (2203) Themes in 19th-Century Theology & Religion;
Paper (2204) Key Themes in Systematic Theology;
Paper (2301) History and Theology of the Early Church (64-337
4.AD); -
Paper (2302) Medieval Religions;
Paper (2303) Early Modern Christianity 1500-1648
Paper (2304) Formation of Rabbinic Judaism;
Paper (2305) Islam in the Classical Period;
Paper (2306) Foundations of Buddhism;
Paper (2307) Hinduism: Sources and Formations;
Paper (2401) Modern Judaism;
Paper (2402) Islam in Contemporary Society;
Paper (2403) Buddhism in Space and Time
(Buddhism II) (as for the Honour School of Theology Paper 19); -
5.PaperFurther(2404)BuddhistModerntextseitherHinduism(a)Further Buddhist texts: Palior(b)Further Buddhist Texts: Tibetanor(c)Further Buddhist Texts: Sanskrit; -
Paper (2405) Science and Religion.
Candidates willmust beoffer requiredone and may offer a further two papers from
Paper (3000) Thesis;
Paper (3101) Hebrew of the Hebrew Bible;
Paper (3102) Paul and the Pauline Tradition;
Paper (3103) Biblical Interpretation: Perspectives from the Social Sciences;
Paper (3104) Gender and Power in Biblical Texts;
Paper (3105) Worship and Liturgy in the Hebrew Bible;
Paper (3106) Prophecy and Revelation in the Hebrew Bible and Beyond;
Paper (3107) Law, Teaching and Wisdom in Biblical Tradition;
Paper (3108) Early Interpretation of the Hebrew Bible and Ancient Judaism;
Paper (3109) New Testament Theology;
Paper (3110) Study of a New Testament Book;
Paper (3111) The Afterlife of the New Testament;
Paper (3112) The Old Testament in Early Christianity;
Paper (3201) Contemporary Theology and Culture;
Paper (3203) Analytic Philosophy and Christian Theology;
Paper (3204) Ethics II: Religious Ethics;
Paper (3208) Origen;
Paper (3209) Augustine;
Paper (3210) Anselm;
Paper (3211) Aquinas;
Paper (3212) Luther;
Paper (3213) Calvin;
Paper (3214) Kierkegaard;
Paper (3215) Newman;
Paper (3217) Barth;
Paper (3218) Tillich;
Paper (3219) Bonhoeffer;
Paper (3220) Rahner;
[For students starting from MT 2018: Paper (3221) Liberation Theology and its Legacy;
Paper (3222) Postliberal Theology;
Paper (3223) Radical Orthodoxy;]
Paper (3224) Modern Debates concerning the Trinity;
Paper (3225) Modern Debates concerning Christology;
Paper (3301) From Nicaea to
paper(3302)1Saints andupSanctityto four other papers. Students must choosein thesameAgelanguageofinBede;Paper
papers(3303)1Faith,2Reason, and5Religion from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Age;Paper (3304) Eastern Christianities from Constantinople to Baghdad;
Paper (3305) Further Studies in Judaism;
Paper (3306) Further Studies in Islam;
Paper (3307) Further Studies in Buddhism;
Paper (3308) Further Studies in Hinduism;
Paper (3309) Studies in the Abrahamic Religions;
[For students starting from MT 2018: Paper (3310) Varieties of Judaism 100BCE – 100CE;]
Paper (3401) The Nature of Religion;
Paper (3402) Psychology of Religion;
Paper (3403) Sociology of Religion;
Paper (3404) Further Studies in Science and Religion;
Paper (3405) Mysticism;
Paper (3406) Feminist Approaches to Theology and Religion;
Paper 107 Philosophy of Religion (Faculty of Philosophy)
Candidates may not offer more than two papers from (3208) Origen; (3209) Augustine; (3210) Anselm; (3211) Aquinas; (3212) Luther; (3213) Calvin; (3214) Kierkegaard; (3215) Newman; (3217) Barth; (3218) Tillich; (3219) Bonhoeffer; (3220) Rahner.
2.Candidates may not offer more than one paper from (3301) From Nicaea to Chalcedon; (3302) Saints and Sanctity in the Age of Bede; (3303) Faith, Reason, and Religion from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Age; (3304) Eastern ChristianityChristianities from Constantinople to Baghdad.
Candidates may not offer more than two papers from (3303) Faith, Reason and Religion from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Age; (3305) Further Studies in Judaism; (3306) Further Studies in Islam; (3307) Further Studies in Buddhism; (3308) Further Studies in Hinduism; (3404) Further Studies in Science and Religion; and (3405) Mysticism.
Candidates may not offer more than one paper from (3401) The Nature of Religion; (3402) Psychology of Religion; (3403) Sociology of Religion; (3404) Further Studies in Science and Religion; (3405) Mysticism; and (3406) Feminist Approaches to Theology and Religion.
1Not all papers will be available every year.ArmenianorSyriac language-
2.(b)EarlyOrientalArmenianStudies -
theologicalpaperandrequirementsecclesiasticalcantextsbeorfoundEarlyunderSyriacSpecialChristianity (Armenian asRegulations for the Honour School of Oriental Studies,.Candidates
SUBSIDIARYmustLANGUAGES,takeArmenian,threeApapers and may take up to five all of which must be drawn from either 1.ClassicalBuddhismArmenian, Paperor 2.Prepared religions texts; Early SyriacEastern Christianity or 3. Hinduism or 4. Islam or 5. Judaism as outlined below. Advanced language options are forFHScandidatesTheologywhoPaperhave32)studied the same language for the First Public Examination. -
historicalcandidatestextsmust offer a paper from either B1A or B1B.[B1A]: either Pali or
SyriacSanskritbiblicalor Tibetan[B1B]: either Advanced Pali or Advanced Sanskrit or Advanced Tibetan Language and
textsmust(Armenianofferasonefor FHS Oriental Studies, SUBSIDIARY LANGUAGES, Armenian, A. Classical Armenian, Paper 3. Prepared historicalpaper andothermaytexts,choosebutupexcludingtoessaythreequestionspapersonfromliterature,theetc.following:[B2]: Set Texts in a Buddhist Canonical Language: Pali or Sanskrit or Tibetan
[B3]: Foundations of Buddhism (Theology 2306)
[B4]: Buddhism in Space and Time (Theology 2403)
[B5]: Further Buddhist Texts: Pali or Sanskrit or Tibetan
42. Eastern ChristianityAll candidates must offer either [EC1]: Armenian or [EC2]: Syriac.
poetrycandidates(Armenianmustasofferfor FHS Oriental Studies, SUBSIDIARY LANGUAGES, Armenian, A. Classical Armenian, Paper 3. Prepared historicaltwo andothermaytexts,offerbutupexcludingtoessayfourquestionspapersonfromliterature,theetc.)following: -
5.[EC3]: Early Armenian Theological and Ecclesiastical Texts[EC5]: Armenian Historical Texts
[EC6]: Syriac Biblical and Exegetical Texts
[EC7]: Armenian Poetry
[EC8]: Syriac Poetry
[EC9]: Armenian Christology and the
developmentDevelopment ofdoctrineDoctrine[EC10]: Syriac Theology and Mystical Texts
3. Hinduism
All candidates must offer either paper [H1A]: Sanskrit Language and Texts I or
Syriac[H1B]:theologyAdvanced Sanskrit Language andmysticalTextstextsI. -
All candidates must offer either paper [H2A]: Sanskrit Language and Texts II or paper [H2B]: Advanced Sanskrit Language and Texts II.
All candidates must offer paper [H3]: Brahminism.
Candidates may offer up to two papers from:
[H4]: Texts on the Nature of Dharma
[H5]: Vedic Religion and Brahmanism
[H6]: Shaiva Doctrine and Practice
4. Islam
All candidates must offer [IS1]: Translation from Classical Arabic and [IS2]: Islamic Texts.
Candidates must offer one paper and may choose up to three papers from the following:
[IS3]: Hadith
[IS4]: Sufism
[IS5]: Qur’an
[IS6]: Topics in Islamic Law
[IS7]: Theology & Philosophy in the Islamic World
[IS8]: Any other paper, relevant to Islam, in the Honour School of Oriental Studies approved by the Interfaculty Committee.
5. Judaism
All candidates must offer either [J1A]: Hebrew Language and Texts or [J1B]: Advanced Hebrew Language and Texts.
Candidates must offer one paper and may choose up to three papers from the following:
[J2]: Second Temple Judaism
[J3]: Formation of Rabbinic Judaism
[J4]: History of Jewish-Christian Relations
[J5]: History of Jewish-Muslim Relations
[J6]: History of Jewish Bible Interpretation
[J7]: Modern Judaism
Candidates will be
requiredprecludedtofromtakeofferingpaperthe1following combinations of papers:Islam in the Classical Period (Theology 2305) with Hadith (Oriental Studies [IS3]) or with Sufism (Oriental Studies [IS4]) or with Topics in Islamic Law (Oriental Studies [IS6]); Varieties of Judaism 100 BCE-100 CE (Theology 3310) with Second Temple Judaism (Oriental Studies [J2]).
Candidates who offer any of papers Formation of Rabbinic Judaism; Modern Judaism; Foundations of Buddhism; and
upBuddhismtoinfourSpaceotherand Time must offer them as either Theology or Oriental Studies papers.
3.Regulations Hinduismconcerning
1.Sanskrit languagetheses andtexts Idissertations2.ASanskritthesislanguagemayandbetextsofferedII3.inHinduism I: Sources and DevelopmentTheology (Paper 3000) or a dissertation in Oriental Studies. The regulations governing theses in Theology are the same as those specified for theses in the Special Regulations for the Honour School of TheologyPaperand20)4Religion. TheTextsregulationsongoverning dissertations in Oriental Studies are thenaturesameofasdharma5.thoseVedicspecifiedreligioninandSpecialBrahmanism6.Saiva Doctrine and PracticeCandidates will be required to take papers 1, 2 and 3, and up to two other papers.
4. Islam
1.Translation from Classical Arabic2.Islamic Texts (asRegulations for the Honour School of Oriental Studies, SUBSIDIARY LANGUAGES, Arabic Paper 3.Additional Arabic: Islamic texts)3.RegulationsHadithconcerning(as for the Honour School of Oriental Studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Paper 7. i.)essays4.Medieval Sufi thought (as for the Honour School of Oriental Studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Paper 7. ix.)5.A modern Islamic thinker (as for the Honour School of Oriental Studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Paper 7. xvi.)6.Topics in Islamic Law (The Honour School of Oriental Studies, Arabic and Islamic Studies, Paper 9 iv.)-
Candidates who take any of papers (3305) Further Studies in Judaism; (3306) Further Studies in Islam; (3307) Further Studies in Buddhism; (3308) Further Studies in Hinduism or (3404) Further Studies in Science and Religion will be required to
takesubmitpapersan1extended essay not exceeding 10,000 words, inclusive of notes and2appendicesandbutmayexcludingtake up to three other papersbibliography.TeachingThemayregulationsnotgoverningbeextendedavailableessays are the same as those specified forallextendedof papers 3-6essays inevery year.
5. Judaism
1.Classical Jewish Texts and Language2.Second Temple Judaism (as fortheHonourSpecialSchool of Oriental Studies, Jewish Studies, b. Section II. (e))3.The Formation of Rabbinic Judaism (asRegulations for the Honour School of Theology and Religion.Candidates who take papers (3303) Faith, Reason, and Religion from the Enlightenment to the Romantic Age or (3405) Mysticism will be required to submit two long essays each not exceeding 5,000 words, inclusive of notes and appendices but excluding bibliography. The
FormationregulationsofgoverningRabbiniclongJudaismessays(Judaismare1),thePapersame14)4.asHistorythoseofspecifiedJewish-ChristianforRelationslong(asessays in the Special Regulations for the Honour School ofOrientalTheologyStudies,andJewishReligion.Candidates
Studies,whob.takeSection IV.papers (o3109) New Testament Theology; (3110)5.HistoryStudy ofJewish-MuslimaRelationsNew Testament Book; (3111) The Afterlife of the New Testament; (3112) The Old Testament in Early Christianity; (3201) Contemporary Theology and Culture; (3406) Feminist Approaches to Theology and Religion will be required both to sit a two hour written examination and to submit an essay for each paper offered. Essays should not exceed 2,500 words, inclusive of notes and appendices but excluding bibliography. The regulations governing essays are the same as those specified for essays in the Special Regulations for the Honour School ofOriental Studies, Jewish Studies, b. Section IV. (p))6.History of Jewish Bible Interpretation (as for the Honour School of Oriental Studies, Jewish Studies, b. Section IV. (q))7.Modern Judaism (as for the Honour School of Oriental Studies, Jewish Studies, b. Section V. (v)).Candidates will be required to take paper 1Theology andup to four other papers. Lists of set texts will be published in the handbookReligion.