Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
Differences from 2017/18 to 2021/22
In the following ‘‘the Course Handbook’’ refers to the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Handbook and supplements to this published by the Joint Supervisory Committee for Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
The Divisional Board of Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences shall appoint for the supervision of the course a supervisory committee, which shall have the power to approve lectures and other instruction. The committee shall appoint a Director of Studies who will be responsible for ensuring that the programme is set up and the decisions of the committee are carried out.
1. The subject of Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics shall be Mathematical and Theoretical Physics and related subjects.
2. The Examination in the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics shall be under the supervision of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board. The Board shall have power from time to time to frame and vary regulations for different parts and subjects of the examination.
3. The examination in the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics shall consist of one Part only, namely Part C, and each candidate shall follow a course of study in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics for three terms.
4. A candidate may only be admitted to the examination in this School if he or she:
(a) was, at the time of taking their Part B examinations, registered for the four
(b) has achieved an upper second class Honours or higher in their Part B examinations referred to in (a) above;
(c) has applied for and been accepted for entry to Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in accordance with the procedure set out in the Handbook for Mathematical and Theoretical Physics;
(d) enters the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Part C examinations in the academic year after taking their Part B examinations.
(a) and (b) above are necessary minimum conditions of eligibility to transfer to Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics after the Part B examinations. Candidates wishing to transfer will also have to apply to transfer as stated in (c) above by the end of week 1 of Hilary Term of their third year. To be accepted they will have to satisfy the other requirements set out in the Handbook for Mathematical and Theoretical Physics from time to time. These requirements may specify the subject matter of the papers chosen for their Part A and Part B examinations (where relevant), the marks achieved in those papers, the overall mark achieved in their Part A and Part B examinations, and an assessment of their overall aptitude for Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. The Handbook for Mathematical and Theoretical Physics shall set out the subject matter of optional papers that candidates should follow in Part A or Part B to maximize their chances of being accepted for transfer to Mathematical and Theoretical Physics at Part C. For this purpose, this Handbook shall be available by the start of Michaelmas Term in the year in which a candidate starts Part A in Mathematics, Physics, or Physics and Philosophy.
5. A candidate who has transferred to Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics in accordance with
cl.clause 4 above is permitted transfer to Part C of the Honour School in whichhetheyor she waswere registered at the time ofhis or hertheir Part B examination up to the end of Week 4 of the Michaelmas Term in whichhe or shethey first registered for Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, so long as that candidate has not opted to supplicate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts undercl.clause 8 below. -
6. The result of the Mathematical and Theoretical Physics Part C examination will be published in terms of Distinction, Merit, Pass, or Fail.
(a) A candidate adjudged worthy of Honours on both Parts A and B together and who passes Part C may supplicate for the degree of Master in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics provided that the candidate has fulfilled all the conditions for admission to a degree of the University.
(b) For such a candidate, the Examiners of the Honours School in which the candidate sat Parts A and B shall classify and publish the combined results of the examinations in Part A and Part B, and the examiners for the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics shall separately assess and publish the results in Part C.
(c) Such a candidate will receive a classification for Parts A and B in the subject in which they sat those Parts, and a separate result for Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
8. A candidate in the final year of a four-year course, registered for Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, but who does not enter Part C, or who fails to pass Part C, is permitted to supplicate for the Honours degree in the subject in which they sat Parts A and B (namely the Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics, Physics, or Physics and Philosophy respectively), with the classification they obtained in Parts A and B together; provided that no such candidate may later enter or re-enter the Part C year or supplicate for the degree of Master of Mathematics, Master of Physics, Master of Physics and Philosophy, or Master of Mathematics and Physics; and provided in each case that the candidate has fulfilled all the conditions for admission to a degree of the University.
9. A candidate
on the four-year coursewho fails to satisfy the Examiners in Part C may retake Part C on at most one subsequent occasion. This resit attempt shall normally be taken at the next opportunity,notbutlatermaythanbe deferred once, i.e. it must be taken at oneyear afterof theinitialnext two opportunities. Candidates shall be required to resit the same papers for which they were examined at the first attempt. In such a case the examiners will specify at the time of failure which components of the examination may or must be redone.
1. Candidates will complete and be assessed on units according to the following
(i) Candidates will offer a minimum of 10 units for examination but may offer further units if they wish, subject to the guidance in the Course Handbook. One unit corresponds to a 16 hour lecture course.
(ii) At least four units will be assessed by written examination.
TheThreeotherfurther units will be assessed bymarkedtimedcoursewrittenworkexaminations, take-home papers or mini-projects. The remaining three units may either consist of practicals or formal assessment. The Course Handbook will specify which units will be assessed by each method mentioned above andsetswill set out the rules governing submission of coursework.In addition, for certain courses, and electronic copy may be required. Details of the courses to which this applies, and instructions for the online submission process will be included in the Notice to Candidates that applies to the candidates of the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. -
(iv) Candidates may offer a dissertation which may count as one or two units.
PartMathematicalCandMathematicsTheoreticalcoursePhysicsoutlinedCourseinHandbook.the Special Regulations for the Honour School of Mathematics. (v)Candidates will be required to attend an oral examination at the end of the course of studies.
2. Syllabus and examination details will be published each year in the Course Handbook and on the course web pages by the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year of the examination.