Honour School of History and Economics

Differences from 2016/17 to 2021/22



  • 1. The examination in the Honour School of History and Economics shall consist of such subjects in History and Economics as the Board of the Faculty of History and Division of Social Sciences from time to time shall in consultation prescribe by regulation.

  • 2. No candidate shall be admitted to examination in this School unless he or she has either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.

  • 3. The examination in the Honour School shall be under the joint supervision of the Board of the Faculty of History and the Social Sciences Divisional Board, which shall appoint a standing joint committee to make proposals for regulations concerning the examination. Such proposals shall be submitted to the boards of the two facultiesBoards which shall make regulations concerning the examination and which, in the case of difference of opinion, shall hold a joint meeting at which the matter in dispute shall be resolved by the vote of the majority.

  • 4. The Chairs of Examiners for the Honour School of History and for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics shall consult together and designate such of their number as may be required for the examination for the Honour School of History and Economics, whereupon the number of examiners shall be deemed to be complete.

  • 5. The lists of specific papers available in this School from the Honour School of History and in Economics in the Honour School of Politics, Philosophy and Economics will be published by the relevant Boards at the dates defined in the regulations for those schools.


Each candidate shall offer:

  • 1 B1. Macroeconomics.The Development of the World Economy since 1800 (subject 311)

  • As specified for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. This subject must be studies in the first year of the candidate's enrolment for the Honour School.

  • 2B2., B3., B4. Microeconomics.Three additional subjects in Economics

  • As specified for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

  • 3 Any of subjects 300, 301 and 302 must be studied in the first year of the candidate’s enrolment for the Honour School. QuantitativeAny Economicsother subjects offered may only be studied in the second year of the candidate’s enrolment for the Honour School.

    As More than one Special Subject (398) may be offered but all subject choices must satisfy the paper combination requirements specified for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.

  • 4B5. [ForAn studentsOutline startingor theTheme FHSpaper beforein MTeither 2017:European British& EconomicWorld History sinceor 1870.] [For students starting the FHS from MT 2017: The DevelopmentHistory of the WorldBritish EconomyIsles since 1800.]

    Asas specified for the Honour School of Philosophy,History.  No Politics,candidate andmay Economics.

  • 5.offer Eithera onepaper periodin of General History or one period of Thethe History of the British Isles or European & World History similar to one offered when passing the Preliminary Examination. Illegal combinations will be specified by the Board.

  • 6B6., B7. EitherAny one of the following combinations, (a), (b), (c), or (d):

    • (a) two Further Subjects in History;


    • (b) two Further subjectsSubjects in Economics (the notes to B2-4 above apply);


      (c) (i) one Further Subject in History and 

      (ii) an Outline or Theme paper, subject to the rule on overlap with the Preliminary Examination under B5 above, in

      either oneEuropean & World History, except any such period ofoffered Generalunder HistoryB5 above,

      or one period of The History of the British Isles, exceptif anythe such periodpaper offered under paper 5,B5 above. is in European & World History;

      (d) (i) one Further Subject in History and (ii) one Further Subject in Economics (the notes to B2-4 above apply).

  • 7. A thesis from original research

    Regulation VI of the Honour School of History applies with the following modifications:

    • Cl. 1 For ‘Candidates must submit a thesis as part of the fulfilment of their final examination’ read ‘Candidates must submit a thesis—normally, but not necessarily in economic history—as part of the fulfilment of their final examination’.

      Cl. 2 For ‘Theses shall normally be written during the Hilary Term of the final year’ read ‘Theses shall normally be written during the Michaelmas and/or Hilary Term of the final year’.

      Cl. 3(b) (iii) For ‘Chair of the Examiners for the Honour School of History’ read ‘Chair of the Examiners, Honour School of History and Economics’.

      Cl. 5 For ‘Honour School of History’ read ‘Honour School of History and Economics’.

      Cl. 6 For ‘primary historical sources’ read ‘primary historical sources or economic data’; for ‘College History Tutor’ read ‘College History Tutor’ or Economics Tutor’.

      Cl. 8 For ‘Chair of Examiners, Honour School of History’ read ‘Chair of Examiners, Honour School of History and Economics’.

      Cl. 9 For ‘Candidates shall not answer in any other paper, with the exception of Disciplines of History (V), questions which fall very largely within the scope of their thesis’ read ‘Candidates shall not answer in any other paper questions which fall very largely within the scope of their thesis.’

      Cl. 10ii For ‘Chair of the FHS in History’ read ‘Chair of the FHS in History and Economics’.

  • The syllabus for sections 1-4, 6(b), and 6(c) (ii) is as specified in the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics and for sections 5, 6(a), and 6(c) (i) as specified for the Honour School of History.

  • The individual detailed specifications and prescribed texts for the Further Subjects as specified for the Honour School of History will be given in the Handbook for the Honour School of History. This will be published by the History Board by Monday of Week 1 of the first Michaelmas Full Term of candidates’ work for the Honour School.

  • Depending on the availability of teaching resources, not all Further Subjects will be available to all candidates in every year. Candidates may obtain details of the choice of Further Subjects in History available for the following year by consulting the supplement to the Handbook for the Honour School of History. This will be issued by the beginning of the fourth week of the first Hilary Full Term of candidates’ work for the Honour School and will contain full specifications and prescribed texts for any Further Subjects specified for History introduced for the following year, and any amendments to the specifications and prescribed texts of existing Further Subjects approved by the History Board by its first meeting of the preceding Hilary Term.

  • Not all Economics subjects may be offered in any particular year. There may also be restrictions on numbers permitted to offer some Economics subjects in any particular year.

  • Economics subjects available to candidates in any particular year will depend on the availability of teaching resources. Details of the choices available for the following year will be announced at the Economics Department’s ‘Options Fair’ at the beginning of the fourth week of this first Hilary Term of the candidates’ work for the Honour School, and will be posted on the Department’s undergraduate WebLearn site at the same time.

  • No candidate may offer the same subject twice.

  • For all Economics papers (including (whichDevelopment shallof bethe takenWorld to include British Economic HistoryEconomy since 18701800 but not other papers in Economic History) candidates are permitted the use of one hand-held pocket calculator from a list of permitted calculators published annually by the Department of Economics on its Undergraduate website, which will be updated annually in the week prior to theWeek first full week1 of Michaelmas Term.

  • InB8. everyA caseThesis where,from underOriginal Research

    Regulation B6 of the regulations for this Honour School of History shall apply with the following modifications:

    • Sub-clause 1 For ‘Candidates must submit a thesis as part of the fulfilment of their final examination’ read ‘Candidates must submit a thesis—normally, candidatesbut havenot necessarily in economic history—as part of the fulfilment of their final examination’.

      Sub-clause 2 For ‘Theses shall normally be written during the Hilary Term of the final year’ read ‘Theses shall normally be written during the Michaelmas and/or Hilary Term of the final year’.

      Sub-clause 3(b) (iii) For ‘Chair of the Examiners for the Honour School of History’ read ‘Chair of the Examiners, Honour School of History and Economics’.

      Sub-clause 5 For ‘Honour School of History’ read ‘Honour School of History and Economics’.

      Sub-clause 6 For ‘primary historical sources’ read ‘primary historical sources or economic data’; for ‘College History Tutor’ read ‘College History Tutor or Economics Tutor’.

      Sub-clause 8 For ‘Chair of Examiners, Honour School of History’ read ‘Chair of Examiners, Honour School of History and Economics’.

      Sub-clause 9 For ‘Candidates shall not answer in any choiceother between one or more papers or subjectspaper, everywith candidatethe exception of Disciplines of History (regulation B5), questions which fall very largely within the scope of their thesis’ read ‘Candidates shall give notice not later than Fridayanswer in any other paper questions which fall very largely within the fourth weekscope of Michaelmastheir Fullthesis.’

      Sub-clause Term10 precedingsection ii For ‘Chair of the examinationFHS in History’ read ‘Chair of all the papersFHS in History and subjects being so offeredEconomics’. 

  • B9.   An Optional Additional Thesis

    A second thesis, in addition to the papers listed under sections 1B1 to 6B8 may be offered in accordance with the Regulation VII.B7 An Optional Additional Thesis of the Honour School of History, q. v. modified as follows:

    • (a) the subject shall, to the satisfaction of the examiners, fall within the scope of the Honour School of History and Economics; or

    • (b) the prizes listed in that regulation with the addition of the Webb Medley Essay Prize and the Sir John Rhys Prize;

    • (c) theses must be submitted electronically tousing the Chairapproved ofonline thesubmission Examiners, Honour School of History and Economics, Examination Schools, High Street, Oxfordsystem. In the assignment of honours, attention will be paid to the merits of any such thesis;

    • (dc) not more than two theses may be offered.

    • (ed) Cl.Sub-clause 10 For ‘The Final Honour School Examiners will arrive at a formal degree result for candidates who submit an Optional Additional Thesis by taking the highest seven marks of 50 or above, outinclusion of the eight7 highest marks awarded for the 8 papers submitted, except that the mark awarded for the Optional Additional Thesis may not substitute for any paper awarded a mark belowlower than 50.’ read ‘The Final Honour School Examiners will arrive at a formal degree result for candidates who submit an Optional Additional Thesis by taking the highest eight marks of 50 or above, outinclusion of the nine8 highest marks awarded for the 9 papers submitted, except that the mark awarded for the Optional Additional Thesis may not substitute for any paper awarded a mark belowlower than 50’.