Honour School of Fine Art
Differences from 2021/22 to 2023/24
- 1. No member of the University shall be admitted to the Final Examination in Fine Art unless they have either passed or been exempted from the Preliminary Examination in Fine Art.
2. The examination shall be under the supervision of the Committee for the Ruskin School of Art, which shall make regulations for the examination.
1. The examination shall include both practical and written work. Examiners may call any candidate to be examined by viva voce.
2. Every candidate will be required to:
SubmitProduce a selection of work completed throughout the course preceding the examination in each of the categories scheduled below, to be submitted no later than noon on Tuesday in the eighth week of Trinity Full Term in which the examination is taken. Submission to be made to Ruskin School of Art, 128 Bullingdon Road, Oxford.-
(i) An exhibition of current work or work constructed especially for assessment.
(ii) A portfolio of work made during the course preceding the examination
or created especially for assessmentin any medium or media agreed by the candidate and their tutor.The portfolio must be presented in digital form, and may include both work in progress and completed artworks. The portfolioThis should include at least twelve original works; in the case of time-based work, candidates should make a submission of works, or excerpts of works, of no more than a total of twenty minutes’ duration. Work which, in the judgement of the candidate's tutor, cannot be submitted for examination for practical reasons, may be represented by documentation.
(b) Submit an essay of no more than 6,000 words (including footnotes), which shall normally be on some aspect of visual culture since 1900,
innoaccordancelaterwiththan noon on theprovisionsFriday ofclauseninth3week ofthesetheregulationsHilary Term preceding the examination. -
(c) Submit three essays of no more than 2,500 words each (including footnotes) on aspects of the history and theory of visual culture since 1900
in accordance with the provisions of clause 3 of these regulations.
3.(a)The work required by the provisions of clause 2 (a) must be submitted via the approved online platform to the Chair of Examiners, Final Examination in Fine Art, Ruskin School of Art, 74 High Street, Oxford by noon on Tuesday in the eighth week of Trinity Full Term in which the examination is taken.(b)A candidate submitting an essay in accordance with the provisions of clause 2 (b) of these regulations must apply for the approval of the Head of School not later than Friday in the fourth week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination.Such application shall include the title of the proposed essay and a synopsis of not more than 100 words setting out the manner in which it is proposed to treat the subject. The essay must be submitted electronically using the approved online submission system not later than noon on the Monday of the eighth week of the Hilary Full Term preceding the examination. Each essay must be accompanied by a certificate signed by the candidate that the essay has not been submitted for any previous examination, and that the essay is his or her own unaided work. Tutors may provide advice on the choice and scope of the subject, the sources available, and the method of presentation. They may also read and comment on a first draft of the essay.(c)The essays required by the provisions of clause 2 (c) must be submitted electronically using the approved online submission system by noon on Friday of noughth week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination. (Note: candidates taking the examination in the Honour School of History of Art must submit the required essays by noon on Friday of ninth week of the Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination.)One essay must be submitted not later than noon on the Friday of the ninth week of the Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year preceding the examination, one essay must be submitted not later than noon on the Friday of the ninth week of the Hilary Full Term in the academic year preceding the examination, and one essay must be submitted not later than noon on the Friday of the ninth week of the Trinity Full Term in the academic year preceding the examination.
- All digital submissions are to be made on University approved online platform, as directed by the School.