Honour School of Economics and Management
Differences from 2016/17 to 2022/23
.The examination in the Honour School of Economics and Management shall include, as stated subjects to be offered by all candidates:(i)Macroeconomics(ii)Microeconomics(iii)Quantitative Economics2.Candidates shall be required to offer, in addition to the above subjects, at least two subjects from Schedule A and a further three subjects from Schedules A and B.3.No candidate shall be admitted to examination in this school unless he or she has either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.4. The examination in this school shall be under the supervision of the Social Sciences Board, which shall appoint a standing committee to make regulations concerning it, subject always to theprecedingsubsequent clauses of this sub-section.
2. No candidate shall be admitted to examination in this school unless they have either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.
3. All candidates will be required to take eight subjects in all.
4. Candidates shall be required to offer at least two subjects from Schedule A and at least two subjects from Schedule B.
5. Any candidate may offer a thesis instead of one of the subjects from Schedule A or B.
6. On entering his or hertheir name for the examination by the date prescribed, each candidate must give notice to the Registrar of the papers being offered.
7. Candidates are permitted the use of one hand-held pocket calculator from a list of permitted calculators published by the Department of Economics on its Undergraduate website, which will be updated annually in the week prior to the first full week of Michaelmas Term.
All candidates will be required to offer the following subjects:
(i)8.MacroeconomicsAs specified for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.(ii)MicroeconomicsAs specified for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.(iii)Quantitative EconomicsAs specified for the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics.(iv)Twosubjects selected from Schedule A.(v)Threeoptional subjects selected from Schedule A, except that a candidate cannot offer a subject selected from Schedule A offered under (iv), and Schedule B.
Depending on the availability of teaching resources, not all Management Options will be available in any particular year. There may also be restrictions on numbers permitted to offer some Management subjects in any particular year. Candidates and Management tutors will be circulated in Trinity Term with details of all Options which will be available for the following year. The list, from which papers in Schedule A may be selected, and the syllabus for each, shall be approved by the Faculty of Management Studies and published on the Saïïd Business School Undergraduate website by the Chair of the Standing Committee not later than the end of the Trinity Full Term of the academic year preceding the year of the examination.
9. Economics subjects 300, 301, 302, and 311 must be studied in the first year of the candidate’s enrolment for the Honour School. The rest of the subjects may only be studied in the second year of the candidate’s enrolment for the Honour School.
Details of the choices available for the second year of the Honour School will be announced at the Economics Department’s ‘Options Fair’ at the beginning of the fourth week of the first Hilary Full Term of candidates’ work for the Honour School, and will be posted on the Department’s undergraduate website at the same time.
Not all Economics subjects may be available in any particular year. There may also be restrictions on numbers permitted to offer some Economics subjects in any particular year.
Economics subjects available to candidates in any particular year will depend on the availability of teaching resources. Details of the choices available for the following year will be announced at the Economics Department’s ‘Option Fair’ at the beginning of the fourth week of the first Hilary Full Term of candidates’ work for the Honour School, and will be posted on the Department’s Undergraduate website at the same time.
Schedule A
(1) Accounting
Nature and regulation of financial reporting, analysis of company accounts. Nature of management accounting, including: cost behaviour, budgetary planning and control, capital budgeting, divisional performance.
(2) Organisational Behaviour and Analysis
The individual in the organisation; motivation and job satisfaction; groups at work; decision making; gender; organisational strategy and structure; the organisational environment; managerial work and behaviour; leadership; culture; power, conflict and change; contemporary and comparative approaches.
(3) Employment Relations
The structure and management of the employment relationship, including its environment, and economic and social consequences; human resource strategy and style; systems of collective representation; trade union objectives and organisation; pay systems and performance appraisal; explicit and psychological contracts; the management of co-operation and conflict; employee involvement, participation and team working; technology, work design and work organisation; job regulation; the utilisation of human resources; training and performance; contemporary and comparative approaches to the management of employees.
(4) Finance
Investment appraisal under conditions of certainty/uncertainty. Portfolio theory and capital asset pricing model. Sources of finance, debt capacity, dividends, and cost of capital. Financial market efficiency. Emerging issues in finance. Takeovers and mergers.
(5) Strategic Management
Theoretical foundations of strategic management. Structural analysis of industries and industry dynamics. The resource and capability based view of the firm. Strategy and Organization. Nature and sources of competitive advantage and patterns of competition. Competitive and co-operative strategies. Corporate strategy and competitive advantage. International strategy. Strategic management in the public sector and not-for-profit organisations. Current issues in strategic management.
(6) Marketing
Exchange in a modern economy. The marketing concept; the marketing mix, its formulation and common components; the product life-cycle and new product development; segmentation and positioning. Buyer behaviour. Marketing information and the analysis of markets and competitors. Marketing planning and marketing strategies. Models for evaluating strategic marketing opportunities.
(7) Technology and Operations Management
(8) International Business
Theoretical foundations of international business strategy. Definition and historical underpinnings of globalisation. Global value chains. Market entry strategies. Institutional analysis and economic theory. Institutional voids. Theories of competitive and comparative advantage. Global culture and marketing. Ethical supply chains. Contemporary theories and controversies in international business.
(9) Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Identifying and evaluating business opportunities. Ascertaining customer value propositions. Developing business models. Formulating technology development and commercialization strategies. Examining alternative model of protecting intellectual property. Structuring investments in entrepreneurial ventures. Contemporary theories of entrepreneurship and innovation.
(10) Global Business History
Theoretical foundations of global business history; patterns of economic development within and among nations; varieties of capitalism, changing nature of the corporation; emergence of professions; evolution of trading relationships; relationship between the state and corporation; role of family firms, non-profits, and cooperatives; development of management theory; organisational cultures; consumerism and the demand for goods; composition of the workforce; theories of technological change and innovation; financialisation of the global economy; evolving forms of capitalism.
Students taking the Global Business History option are expected to attend the lecture course during their first year of the Final Honours School.
(a) Assessment
Global Business History will be examined by an assessed extended essay. Candidates will write a business history case study accompanied by a teaching note that sets out the pedagogical purpose of the case and its theoretical importance.
(b) Authorship and origin
No essay shall exceed 10,000 words including the main body of text, tables, figures, and diagrams, appendices, footnotes, and references. There will be two parts to the essay – a historical case study (7,500 words maximum) and a teaching note (2,500 words maximum).
(c) Submission of assessed work
Candidates must upload their essay to the University approved online assessment platform by no later than noon on Thursday of Week 0 of Trinity Full Term in the year the final examination is taken. Technical information on the requirements for online submissions is provided in the Course Handbook.
Schedule B
Subjects (1) to (129) are as specified in the Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. Most Special Subjects may only be offered in combination with one or more of 300, 301, and 302. More than one Special Subject (under 9) may be offered.
Economics -
(2) Macroeconomics
(3) Microeconomics
(4) Money and Banking
35)Public Economics (4)IndustryDeveloping Countries(5)Labour Economics and Industrial Relations (222)-
(6) History of the World Economy
International Economics -
Economics of Developing CountriesEconometrics -
(8) Game
Development of World Economy since 1800
Theory -
Econometrics (10)Game Theory(11)SubjectSubjects inEconomics(12)Behavioural and ExperimentalEconomics
(vi) Thesis
Any candidate may offer a thesis instead of a subject from Schedule A or Schedule B under (v) above, subject to the following provisions:
The subject of every thesis should fall within the scope of the honour school. The subject may, but need not, overlap any subject on which the candidate offers papers. Candidates are warned that they should avoid repetition in papers of materials used in their theses and that substantial repetition may be penalised.
Every candidate shall submit through
his or hertheir college for approval to theChairDirector oftheUndergraduateStanding CommitteeStudies for either Economicsandor Managementthedependingtitle he or she proposes together with(i)an indication as toon the branch of the school in which the subject falls,i.e.theEconomicstitleortheyManagement;propose together with(
iii) an explanation of the subject in about 100 words;-
iiiii) a letter of approval fromhis or hertheir tutor,
not earlier than the first day of the Trinity Full Term of the year before that in which
hetheyor she isare to be examined and not later than the date prescribed for entry to the examination. ThestandingDUScommitteein the relevant branch of the school shall decide as soon as possible whether or not to approve the title and shall advise the candidate immediately. No decision shall be deferred beyond the end of the fifth week of Michaelmas Full Term. -
Every thesis shall be the candidate's own work.
His or herTheir tutor may, however, discuss withhim or herthem the field of study, the sources available, and the method of presentation; the tutor may also read and comment on a first draft. Theses previously submitted for the Honour School of Economics and Management may be resubmitted. No thesis will be accepted if it has already been submitted, wholly or substantially, for another Honour School or degree of this University, or for a degree of any other institution. Every candidate shall sign a certificate to the effect that the thesis ishis or hertheir own work and that it has not already been submitted for a degree of this or any other universityand his or her tutor shall countersign the certificate confirming that, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, these statements are true. This certificate shall be submittedseparately in a sealed envelope addressed tousing thechairUniversityofapprovedexaminersonline assessment platform together with the thesis. No thesis shall, however, be ineligible because it has been or is being submitted for any prize of this University. -
No thesis shall exceed 15,000 words, the limit to include all notes, appendices, but not bibliographies; no person or body shall have authority to permit any excess. There shall be a select bibliography or a list of sources. All theses must be typed in double spacing on one side of quarto or A4 paper. Any notes and references may be placed either at the bottom of the relevant pages or all together at the end of the thesis
, but in the latter case two loose copies of the notes and references must be supplied. The thesis must bebound or held firmly in a stiff cover.Twocopies shall besubmittedtousing theexaminers;Universitytheyapprovedshallonlinebeassessmentreturned to the Saïd Business School library after the examinationplatform. -
Every candidate who wishes to submit a thesis shall give notice of
his or hertheir intention to do so onhis or hertheir examination entry form (in addition to seeking approval of the subject from theChairDUSofinthe Standing Committee foreither Economicsandor Management under (a) above); and shall submithis or hertheir thesis not later than noon on Monday of the first week of the Trinity Full Term of the examination to theChairUniversityofapprovedtheonlineExaminers,assessmentHonour School of Economics and Management, Examination Schools, High Street, Oxfordplatform.