Honour School of Physics
Differences from 2017/18 to 2022/23
(1) The subject of the Honour School in Physics shall be the study of Physics as an experimental science.
(2) Physics (four year course)
The examination shall be in three parts, A, B, C, taken at times not less than three, six and nine terms, respectively after passing the First Public Examination.
In order to proceed to Parts B and C of the four-year course in physics a minimum standard of achievement in Part A may be required, as determined by the Faculty of Physics from time to time. Any such requirement shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term of the academic year preceding the year of the Part A examination. Names of those satisfying the requirement shall be published by the Examiners.
(3) Physics (three year course)
The examination shall be in two parts, A and B, taken at times not less than three and six terms, respectively, after passing the First Public Examination.
(1) The name of a candidate in either the three-year course or the four-year course shall not be published in a Class List until he or she has completed all parts of the respective examinations.
(2) The Examiners in Physics for the three-year course or the four-year course shall be entitled to award a pass or classified Honours to candidates in the Second Public Examination who have reached a standard considered adequate; the Examiners shall give due consideration to the performance in all parts of the respective examinations.
(a) A candidate who obtains only a pass or fails to satisfy the Examiners may enter again for Part B (three-year course) or Part C (four-year course) of the examination on one, but not more than one, subsequent occasion.
(b) Part A (three-year and four-year courses) and Part B (four-year course) shall be entered on one occasion only.
(4) A candidate adjudged worthy of Honours in the Second Public Examination for the four-year course in Physics may supplicate for the Degree of Master of Physics provided that the candidate has fulfilled all the conditions for admission to a degree of the University.
(5) A candidate who has satisfied the requirements for Part A and Part B of the four-year course, but who does not start or enter Part C or who fails to obtain Honours in Part C is permitted to supplicate for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Physics (Pass, or Honours with the classification obtained in Parts A and B together, as appropriate); provided that no such candidate may later enter or re-enter the Part C year, or supplicate for the degree of Master of Physics; and provided in each case that the candidate has fulfilled all the conditions for admission to a degree of the University.
3. The examination shall be partly practical: this requirement shall normally be satisfied by the Examiners' assessment of the practical work done by candidates during their course of study; exceptionally, the Examiners may require a candidate to take a practical examination.
4. No candidate shall be admitted to examination in this school unless he or she has either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.
(1) The Examination in Physics shall be under the supervision of the Mathematical, Physical and Life Sciences Board.
(2) The board shall have power, subject to this decree, from time to time to frame and to vary regulations for the different parts and subjects of the examination.
Transfer to the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics
6. Subject to the regulations for the Honour School in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, candidates on the four-year course in Physics may apply to the Supervisory Committee for Mathematics and Physics to transfer, after their Part B examination, to the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics for their Part C examination. Such a candidate will need to achieve at least an upper second class or higher at the end of Part B, and be accepted by the Supervisory Committee for Mathematics and Physics under the procedures referred to in the regulations for the Master of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics and set out in the course handbook for that degree. Acceptance is not automatic. As specified in the regulations for that degree, Part C in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics must be taken in the academic year following the candidate's Part B examination, and on successful completion of Part C of the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics candidates will be awarded the Master of Mathematics and Physics in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
7. The Handbook for Mathematical and Theoretical Physics shall, where relevant, set out the options that candidates should follow to maximize their chances of being accepted for transfer to Mathematical and Theoretical Physics for their Part C examination. This Handbook shall be available by the start of Michaelmas Term in the year in which a candidate starts Part A in Physics.
8. A candidate who has transferred from the Honour School of Physics to the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics for their Part C examination in accordance with cl.9 above is permitted transfer to the Honour School of Physics for their Part C examination up to the end of Week 4 of the Michaelmas Term in which he or she first registered for Part C in the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics, so long as that candidate has not opted to supplicate for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Physics under the regulations for the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics.
9. The regulations for the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics set out how the results obtained in Parts A and B in the Honour School of Physics are published for candidates who transfer to the Honour School of Mathematical and Theoretical Physics for their Part C examination.
In the following ‘the Course Handbook’ refers to the Physics Undergraduate Course Handbook, published annually at the start of Michaelmas Term by the Faculty of Physics.
Candidates will be expected to show knowledge based on practical work.
The Examiners will permit the use of any hand-held calculator subject to the conditions set out under the heading ‘Use of calculators in examinations’ in the Regulations concerning the Conduct of University Examinations and further elaborated in the Course Handbook.
The various parts of the examinations for the three and four year courses shall take place in Trinity Term of the year in question and, unless otherwise stated, deadlines shall apply to the year in which that part is taken.
Part A – for candidates on both the three-year and the four-year course
1. In Part A
(a) the candidate shall be required
(i) to offer three written papers on the Fundamental Principles of Physics, and
(ii) to submit to the Examiners such evidence as they require of the successful completion of practical work normally pursued during the three terms preceding the examination, and
(iii) to offer a written paper on one Short Option.
(b) A candidate may also offer a written paper on a second Short Option, in which case the candidate need only submit evidence of the successful completion of practical work normally pursued during one and a half terms of the three terms specified in cl. 1(a)(ii).
2. The titles of the written papers of cl. 1(a)(i) are given in the Schedule below. Their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence.
3. The list of Short Option subjects in cl. 1(a)(iii), 1(b), and their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence.
4. With respect to cl. 1(a)(iii) a candidate may take, as alternative to the written examination, an assessed course of instruction in a foreign language. A candidate proposing to take this alternative must have the proposal approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy and by the Director of the Language Centre or deputy, by the end of the first week of Hilary Full Term preceding the examination. Approval shall not be given to candidates who have, at the start of the course, already acquired demonstrable skills exceeding the target learning outcomes in the chosen language.
5. With respect to subjects under cl. 1(a)(iii) a candidate may propose to the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, not later than the fourth week of Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination, either to offer another subject paper, or to offer instead a written account of extended practical work, in addition to that specified in cl.1(a)(ii). Candidates will be advised of the decision by the end of eighth week of that term.
Fundamental Principles (Part A)
A1: Thermal Physics
A2: Electromagnetism and Optics
A3: Quantum Physics
Part B for candidates on the three-year course
1. In Part B
(a) the candidate shall be required
to offer three written papers on Physics, which must include B4 and B6, and (i)
(ii) to submit to the Examiners such evidence as they require of the successful completion of practical work normally pursued during three terms in the academic year of the examination, and
to offer a written paper on one Short Option, and (iii)
(iv) to offer either an industrial project or two additional papers/project options which must include at least one of B8 and B9, and
(v) to offer a project report on practical work or other work undertaken in the academic year in which the examination takes place on a subject approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy.
(b) candidates may be examined by viva voce.
2. The titles of the written papers /project options of cl. 1(a)(i) and (iv) respectively are given in the Schedule below. Their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence. Entry to options B8 and B9 is via application as outlined in the course handbook.
3. The list of Short Option subjects in cl. 1(a)(iii), and their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence.
4. In cl. 1(a)(ii), practical work may be replaced by project work, if an appropriate supervisor is available. The subject, duration, and replacement value shall be approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, by the end of Michaelmas Full Term.
5. With respect to cl. 1(a)(iii) a candidate may take, as alternative to the written examination, an assessed course of instruction in a foreign language. A candidate proposing to take this alternative must have the proposal approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy and by the Director of the Language Centre or deputy, by the end of the first week of Hilary Full Term. Approval shall not be given to candidates who have, at the start of the course, already acquired demonstrable skills exceeding the target learning outcomes in the chosen language.
6. With respect to subjects under cl. 1(a)(iii) a candidate may propose to the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, not later than the fourth week of Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination, another subject paper. Candidates shall be advised of the decision by the end of eighth week of that term.
Physics (Part B)
Six written papers, B1 to B6, and two project options, B8 and B9, as follows:
B1 – Fluids
B2 – Symmetry and Relativity
B3 – Atomic and Laser Physics
B4 – Nuclear and Particle Physics
B5 – General Relativity
B6 – Condensed Matter Physics
B8 – Computational Project
B9 - Experimental Project
Part B for candidates on the four-year course
1. In Part B
(a) the candidate shall be required
to offer five written papers/project options on Physics, which must include B4 and B6, and (i)
(ii) to submit to the Examiners such evidence as they require of the successful completion of practical work normally pursued during the three terms preceding the examination, and
to offer a written paper on one Short Option, and (iii)
(iv) to offer a project report on practical work or other work undertaken in the academic year in which the examination takes place on a subject approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy.
2. The titles of the written papers/project options of cl. 1(a)(i) are given in the Schedule below. Their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence. Entry to options B8 and B9 is via application as outlined in the course handbook.
3. The list of Short Option subjects in cl. 1(a)(iii) and their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence.
4. In cl. 1(a)(ii), practical work may be replaced by project work, if an appropriate supervisor is available. The subject, duration, and replacement value shall be approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, by the end of Michaelmas Full Term.
5. With respect to cl. 1(a)(iii) a candidate may take, as alternative to the written examination, an assessed course of instruction in a foreign language. A candidate proposing to take this alternative must have the proposal approved by the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy and by the Director of the Language Centre or deputy, by the end of the first week of Hilary Full Term preceding the examination. Approval shall not be given to candidates who have, at the start of the course, already acquired demonstrable skills exceeding the target learning outcomes in the chosen language.
6. With respect to subjects under cl. 1(a)(iii) a candidate may propose to the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, not later than the fourth week of Michaelmas Full Term preceding the examination, either to offer another subject paper, or to offer instead a written account of extended practical work, in addition to that specified in cl.1(a)(ii). Candidates will be advised of the decision by the end of eighth week of that term.
Physics (Part B)
Six papers, B1 to B6, and two project options, B8 and B9, as follows:
B1 – Fluids
B2 – Symmetry and Relativity
B3 – Atomic and Laser Physics
B4 – Nuclear and Particle Physics
B5 – General Relativity
B6 – Condensed Matter Physics
B8 – Computational Project
B9 - Experimental Project
Part C
1. In Part C the candidate shall be required to offer
(a) written papers on each of two Major Options, and
(b) a project report on either advanced practical work, or other advanced work.
- Candidates may also be examined viva voce.
2. In cl. 1(a), the Major Options and their syllabuses shall be approved by the Faculty of Physics and the Physics Academic Committee. The titles of the Major Options are given in the Schedule below and the syllabuses shall be published in the Course Handbook not later than the beginning of Michaelmas Full Term for the examination three terms thence.
3. With respect to subjects under cl. 1(a) a candidate may propose to the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy, not later than the fourth week of Trinity Full Term in the academic year preceding the examination, another subject paper or papers. Candidates will be advised of the decision by the end of eighth week of that term.
4. In cl. 1(b), the proposed nature of the practical or other advanced work and its duration shall be submitted for approval to the Head of the Teaching Faculty of Physics or deputy with the agreement of the Physics Academic Committee.
Major Options (Part C)
C1: Astrophysics
C2: Laser Science and Quantum Information Processing
C3: Condensed Matter Physics
C4: Particle Physics
C5: Physics of Atmospheres and Oceans
C6: Theoretical Physics
C7: Biological Physics