Honour School of Music
Differences from 2021/22 to 2022/23
1. The subject of the Honour School of Music shall be the study of the history, analysis, criticism, theory, composition, performance, practice and empirical study of music.
2. No candidate shall be admitted to examination in this school, unless they have either passed or been exempted from the First Public Examination.
3. The examination in this faculty shall be under the supervision of the Board of the Faculty of Music which shall make regulations concerning it subject always to the preceding clauses of this subsection.
Each candidate will be required to offer papers (1) and (2) from List A, any two of papers (3), (4), and (5) in that list, and four other papers, always provided that of these four at least one is from List B, one is from List C, and two are from List B, C, or D.
Candidates may offer only one paper from List D if they are offering List B Solo Performance (B3). They may also take B (1) with A (3i), and B (7) with A (4i) respectively, but B (1) must not be combined with A (3ii), nor B (7) with A (4ii). Certain other combinations of papers may from time to time be disallowed, always provided that notice of such disallowance be communicated to candidates not later than the third week of Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year preceding that of examination.
Candidates must indicate, not later than Friday of the fourth week of Michaelmas Full Term in the academic year of examination, of the eight papers they propose to offer.
List A (core subjects)
(1) Topics II (written paper)
(2) Topics III (written paper)
(3) Either (i) Techniques of Composition I (written paper)
Or (ii) Techniques of Composition II (portfolio submission): see under List B (1)
(4) Either (i) Musical Analysis and Criticism (written paper)
Or (ii) Analysis Portfolio (portfolio submission): see under List B (7)
(5) Musical Thought and Scholarship (written paper)
Lists B, C, and D (optional subjects)
List B (Portfolio options and solo performance)
List B consists of optional topics, each examined by written paper, or a portfolio of coursework, or practical test, as specified in the Music Faculty Undergraduate Handbook relating to the examination.
(1) Techniques of Composition II (portfolio submission)
(2) Orchestration (portfolio submission)
(3) Solo Performance, instrumental or vocal (recital)
(4) Composition (portfolio submission)
(5) Dissertation (portfolio submission)
(6) Edition with commentary (portfolio submission)
(7) Analysis (portfolio submission)
(8) Music Ethnography (portfolio submission)
General Note on approval of subjects for List B (5), (6), (7), and (8)
Candidates intending to submit any of B(5), (6), (7), or (8) must obtain prior approval of the subject and title from the Board of the Faculty of Music.
List C (optional topics)
List C consists of optional topics, each examined by written paper or by a portfolio of coursework, as specified in the Music Faculty Undergraduate Handbook relating to the examination.
List D (practical options)
List D options combine a practical element with an extended essay or other submissions, as specified in the Music Faculty Undergraduate Handbook.