Executive Master of Business Administration (Part-time)
Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24
§1. Degree of Master of Business Administration
1. Any person who has been admitted to the status of student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration, who has satisfied the conditions prescribed by this section, and who has satisfied the examiners as required, may supplicate for the Degree of Master of Business Administration.
2. The Social Sciences Board with the concurrence of the Education Committee shall have power to make and vary such regulations as may be necessary for carrying out the duties laid upon it and upon the Registrar by this section.
3. A Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration who is not a graduate of the University may wear the same gown as that worn by Students for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.
§2. Admission of Candidates
1. A candidate seeking admission as a Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration shall apply to the EMBA Committee. Candidates for admission shall be required to provide such information as the committee may determine from time to time by regulation. Applicants shall in addition be required to undertake such other tests and meet such conditions as, subject to the approval of the Social Sciences Board, the committee may determine by regulation.
2. No person shall be admitted as a Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration under these provisions unless they are also a member of some college, hall, or other approved society, and unless the application for admission as a Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration has the approval of that society. The Head of Admissions shall forward the application to the candidate's society or to the society to which the candidate wishes to apply for membership, as appropriate; and admission by the committee shall be conditional upon admission by an approved society.
3. A student registered for any other higher degree or diploma in the University may apply for transfer to the status of Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration. The committee shall have power to make such transfer, provided that it is satisfied that the student is well qualified and well fitted to undertake the course of study for which application is made, and that the application has the support of the candidate's society. A candidate who transfers status in this way shall be reckoned as having held the status of Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration from the time of admission to his or her previous status, unless the committee shall determine otherwise.
§3. Supervision of Students
1. Every candidate on admission as a Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration shall be placed by the EMBA Committee under the supervision of a member of the University or other competent person selected by the committee, and the committee shall have power for sufficient reason to change the supervisor of any student or to arrange for joint supervision by more than one supervisor, if it deems necessary.
2. It shall be the duty of the supervisor of a student entered upon a course of study to direct the work of the student, to meet the student regularly, and to undertake such duties as shall be from time to time set out in the Divisional Board's memorandum of guidance for students and supervisors.
3. The supervisor shall submit a report on the progress of a student to the committee three times a year, and at any other time when the committee so requests or the supervisor deems expedient. The supervisor shall communicate the contents of the report to the student on each occasion that a report is made, so that the student is aware of the supervisor's assessment of their work during the period in question. In addition, the supervisor shall inform the committee at once if they are of the opinion that the student is unlikely to reach the standard required for the Degree of Master of Business Administration.
4. It shall be the duty of every Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration to undertake such guided work and to attend such seminars and lectures as his or her supervisor requests; to attend such meetings with his or her supervisor as the supervisor reasonably arranges; and to fulfil any other requirements of the Divisional Board as set out in its memorandum of guidance for students and supervisors.
§4. Residence and other Requirements
1. Part-time students for the Degree of Master of Business Administration admitted in September shall be required to pursue their course of study for 26 months and part-time students for the Degree of Master of Business Administration admitted in January shall be required to pursue their course of study for 24 months. Part-time students shall not be required to keep statutory residence but must attend for such instruction and undertake such supervised coursework as the EMBA committee shall require. The Programme Director shall keep a register of attendance of part-time students. No student shall be granted leave to supplicate unless the register shows satisfactory attendance by them.
2. Part-time students may hold the status of Student for the Part-time Degree of Master of Business Administration for a period not exceeding 50 months (September entry) or 48 months (January entry).
3. A Student for the Degree of Master of Business Administration shall cease to hold that status if:
(a) they shall have been refused permission to supplicate for the Degree of Master of Business Administration;
(b) the EMBA Committee shall, in accordance with provisions set down by regulation by the Divisional Board, and after consultation with the student's society and supervisor, have deprived the student of such status;
(c) they shall have been transferred under the relevant provisions to another status; or
(d) they shall not have entered for the relevant examination within the time specified under this sub-section.
§5. Suspension and Transfer
1. If, for good cause, a student is temporarily unable to carry out their studies, the EMBA Committeethey may grantapply for a temporary suspension of status, normally for not less than one12 monthmonths at any one time. Applications for suspension of status should be made to the Programme Director concerned, via the relevant Programme Manager. Applications will be considered by the Programme Director and the Director of Graduate Studies on behalf of the EMBA Committee. No student may be granted more than twenty-four months of suspension of status in this way.
2. Candidates admitted to the 26-month programme cannot transfer to the 24-month programme; nor can candidates admitted to the 24-month programme transfer to the 26-month programme.
§6. Examination of Students
1. The examination for the Degree of Master of Business Administration shall be under the supervision of the EMBA Course Committee. The subjects of each examination shall be determined by regulation by the committee, which shall have power to arrange lectures and courses of instruction for the assessment.
TheAllassessmentcourseworkshall consist of:(a)course assignments;(b)written examinations;(c)oral presentations;(d)written or oral reports on a business project approved by the committee;(e)class participation; and(f)an oral examination; provided that the committee shall have power by regulation to authorise the examiners to dispense individual candidates from the oral examination. This provision notwithstanding, the examiners may, if they deem expedient, set a candidate a further written examination after examining the candidate orally.Assignments and reportssubmissions must be submittedonline, as set out inusing theassessmentUniversity-approvedsectiononlineofsubmissions system. Details are available on the programme learning platform, by the stipulated submission date.
2. No candidate shall be permitted to take an examination under the preceding clause unless they have been admitted as a candidate for the examination in question by the committee and
hashave satisfied any other conditions prescribed in the regulations for that course. -
3. Unless otherwise provided in this sub-section, the number and distribution of examiners shall be as set out in the relevant regulation.
4. A candidate who has failed
toansatisfyassessment must retake or resubmit theexaminersfailedin the examination may enter againassessment on one, but not more than one, subsequent occasion.for that part of the examination which they failed.Re-sits or re-submissionsof assessed course componentsmust take place no more than twelve months after the final meeting of the Board of Examiners, excluding any period of suspension.
Part-time candidatesCandidates must follow a course ofinstructionstudy inManagementBusinessStudiesAdministative.andThey must complete components (a) to (d)below:-
(a) all thirteen core courses from the Schedule listed below;
(b) four electives, a maximum of two of which can be completed by taking equivalent (up to four) ‘half’ electives. The list of electives, including the method of assessment, will be published by the Programme Director not later than the first day of the first module of the second year of the programme;
(c) an Entrepreneurship Project (EP) (Group presentation and group project);
(d) Global Opportunities & Threats Oxford (GOTO) (
AssignmentCoursework submission and group project).
- 6. Students must attempt all assessments associated with components (a)-(d) above, but may fail one of the elective courses from component (b) (or two half elective courses) and still pass the programme as a whole. Candidates may be required to attend an oral examination on any part of the assessment.
- 7. The EMBA Course Committee shall have the discretion to permit any candidate to the part-time MBA to be exempted from up to four courses providing that the Committee is satisfied that such a candidate has completed equivalent study of an appropriate standard, and has passed the assessment associated with that equivalent study, on either the Postgraduate Diploma in AI for Business, the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Strategy, the Postgraduate Diploma in Global Business, the Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership, or the Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Innovation no more than five years before initial registration for the part-time MBA.
- 8.With the approval of the Programme Director, a candidate may substitute core courses or electives on the part-time MBA with core courses from the Postgraduate Diploma in AI for Business, the Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Strategy, the Postgraduate Diploma in Global Business, the Postgraduate Diploma in Leadership Coaching, the Postgraduate Diploma in Organisational Leadership, the Postgraduate Diploma in Strategy and Innovation, or M.Sc. in Major Programme Management, assuming that core course falls within the permitted registration period for the part-time MBA.
- 9.The examiners may award a distinction for excellence in the whole examination to candidates for the Degree.
(a) Accounting (Written Examination)
(b) Analytics (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(c) Business Finance (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(d) Business in Emerging Markets (Group Assignmentcoursework submission)
(e) Firms and Markets (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(f) Global Rules of the Game (Group Assignmentcoursework submission )
(g) Governance and Ethics (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(h) Leadership Fundamentals (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(i) Marketing (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(j) Negotiations: Strategy and Practice (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(k) Strategy (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(l) Technology and Operations Management (AssignmentCoursework submission)
(m) The Strategic Leader (AssignmentCoursework submission)