Diploma in Legal Studies
Differences from 2022/23 to 2023/24
General Regulations
1. The Board of the Faculty of Law shall have power to grant Diplomas in Legal Studies to members of the University who have kept residence and pursued a course of study at Oxford for not less than three terms; time spent outside Oxford during term as part of an academic programme approved by Council shall count towards residence for the purpose of this clause.
2. The examination for the Diploma in Legal Studies shall be under the supervision of the Board of the Faculty of Law.
3. The examiners for the diploma shall be such of the Public Examiners in the Honour School of Jurisprudence as shall be required.
4. A Diploma Student must keep statutory residence and pursue a course of study at Oxford for three terms, and may not take the examination for the Diploma earlier or later than in the second term after that with effect from which they were admitted as a Diploma student.
5. The examiners may award a distinction to a candidate for the Diploma in Legal Studies.
Special Regulations
1. The Diploma will normally only be granted to candidates who on admission had no significant previous education in the common law.
2. The examination for the diploma shall be in each Trinity Term.
3. The examination shall consist of any three standard subjects selected by the candidate from such standard subjects specified for the Honour School of Jurisprudence as notified as available in the Diploma in Legal Studies. Notice of these subjects will be given in the edition of the Law Faculty Handbook for Undergraduate Students for the relevant year, which will be published and made available on the Faculty website by Monday of noughth week of Michaelmas Term that year.
4. Candidates in examinations will not be required to answer more than three questions.
5. Candidates may be required to attend a viva voce examination.
6. The Law Board will approve and offer a Legal Research Skills Programme, as outlined in the Special Regulations for the Honour School of Jurisprudence. Candidates for the Diploma are required to undertake unit one of the course and an additional print resources class (details of which will be notified to the students) and to complete the associated assessments to the satisfaction of the Programme Coordinator appointed by the Law Board.