Master of Philosophy in Philosophical Theology
Differences from 2020/21 to 2022/23
The regulations made by the Boards of the Faculty of Theology and Religion and the Faculty of Philosophy are as follows:
Candidates shall be required:
(a ) To present themselves for a written examination in three of the papers prescribed below
, the selection to depend on their previous qualifications; -
(b) to present a dissertation of not more than 30,000 words on a topic in philosophical theology to be approved by the Joint Standing Committee for Graduate Studies in Philosophical Theology. The completed dissertation must be uploaded to the University approved online assessment platform by Friday of Week 8 of Trinity Term. Each submission will require the candidate to make a declaration indicating that this is their own work;
(c) to present themselves for a viva voce examination unless individually dispensed by the examiners.
1. Philosophy of Religion
withThesyllabusexamination will contain questions on arguments forexaminationand against thesameexistenceasofthatGod,forproblemsessaysrelatedforto various supposed divine attributes and perhaps problems of religious language, on other standard issues in theB.Phil.philosophyinofPhilosophyreligion, and on some Christian doctrines. -
2. Either Moral Philosophy
or Metaphysics and Theory of Knowledge
or Philosophical Logic and Philosophy of Language
or Philosophy of Science
or Philosophy of Mind and of Action
with syllabus for examination the same as that for essays for the B.Phil. in Philosophy.
3. History of Philosophical Theology
The paper will contain questions on philosophical influences on theology during the patristic period, the early medieval period, and the period 1760-1860. Candidates are required to show knowledge of two of the three periods, and, within each of those two periods, of some of the principal relevant writings, viz. for the patristic period of works of Origen and Augustine, for the early medieval period of works of Anselm and Aquinas, and for the period 1760-1860 of works of Kant, Kierkegaard, and Schleiermacher. Study of texts in the original languages will not be required.
4. Either The Development of Christian Doctrine to
adAD 787 or Theology in Western Europe from Gabriel Biel to Jacob ArminiusasCandidatesspecifiedwillforbetheexpectedM.Phil.toinwriteTheologyessays(paperon1differentoftopics,SectionshowingA and paper 1 of Section Cknowledge of the main lines of development of Christian Doctrineoption)or Theology in Western Europe from Gabriel Biel to Arminius, and discussing particular developments in relation to the historical conditions which influenced them.