Version Log

This page contains information on the changes to Master of Science by Coursework in Criminology and Criminal Justice (Full-time) since 1 July 2016

Gazette 18 July 2024

Deadline and re-assessment changes.

Refer to Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette.

Gazette 22 September 2022

Removal of examination lengths from regulation. See the Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further information.

Gazette 24 September 2020

Amendment to merge the two core courses into a single core course in ‘Criminological Theories and Understanding Criminal Justice’. See the Social Sciences Divisonal Board notice in the Gazette for further information.

Gazette 26 September 2019

Creation of separate regulations for full-time and part-time variants. See the Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further information.

Gazette 25 July 2019

Change to dissertation submission deadline. See the Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further information.

Gazette 25 July 2019 - correction notice

Correction to the notice of 2 May 2019. These changes are being made for all students on course with effect from MT 2019. See the Social Sciences Divisonal Board notice in the Gazette for further information.

Technical Edit 8 May 2019

Removal of text marked for students starting before MT2018.

Gazette 02 May 2019

Updates to the schedule of papers available and removal of reference to award of Distinction.  See the Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further information.

Gazette 21 June 2018

Change of 2 course titles.  See the Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette for further details.

Technical Edit 13 July 2018

Removal of text marked for students starting before MT 2017.

Gazette 22 February 2018

Change to 1+1 MBA bridging programme. For further details see Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette.

22 February 2017 Technical Edit

Removal of text marked for students starting before MT 2016.

Gazette 12 January 2017

Introuction of part-time variant of programme. For further information, see the Social Sciences Divisional Board notice in the Gazette.

Gazette 23 June 2016

Changes to require electronic submission of assessed work. See the Social Sciences Board notice in the Gazette for further information.